‘The flesh is old, the spirit is young’ this is the tongue in cheek reply given by the old-timers when confronted with their activities that only befit the young ones, may they be good or bad. To these old-timers, I say "Your spirits are also old, if you are caught into the following behaviors. Ha! Ha!"
No excuses this time! Do not take it seriously, though. Just reminding for fun!
1. You are old if you search for your glasses, all the while wearing them!
2. You are old if you search for your car keys when just seconds ago you put it into your pocket!
3. You are old when you switch on the light when you want the fan! You forgot the switches, didn't you? Ok, it happens!
4. You are old if you wonder whether you have eaten your lunch!
5. You are old when you walk straight ahead when your friend is
smiling at you!
6. You are old when you realize that you have got to brush your remaining teeth without toothpaste for the third day in a row because you forgot to buy it again, when you went for a walk!
7. You are old when shopkeepers call after you to take away the goods that you have just bought!
8. You are old if you go back to the toilet to check whether you have flushed it!
9. You are old if you remembered suddenly, while having a meal in a restaurant, that you did not put any coins inside the parking meter!
10. You are old when you start to reread the, ‘How to have a superpower memory’ book.
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