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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Well done Najib!

Now it is clear why Najib, the Malaysian PM kept on postponing the election date, letting the people go on guessing. It has nothing to do with Malaysia or rather, the state of condition or the political situation.

It has all got to do with Philippines - the MILF Agreement. The signing of the deal on regional autonomy was signed on October 15 between the Philippines government and the representatives of Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF). It was brokered by Malaysia and rightly so the PM presented himself at the accord at the Malacanang Palace, together with the Philippines president Benigno S Aquino lll. Najib, being the great statesman he is, wanted to be at a position of strength, a Prime Minister of a nation. Dissolving the parliament for the election, resulting in the nation having a caretaker government would have hugely weakened his position and could have endangered the brokerage of the deal.

The accord resulted in a new autonomous region in Mindanao called Bangsamoro. Over 120,000 people had died in the 40-year conflict between the government forces and MILF. The MILF is actually a breakaway party from the initial MNLF (Moro National Liberation Front) which is still in existence, but still, it is indeed a great achievement for Malaysia to be able to bring out such a settlement.

Well done Malaysia! Well done Najib!

(Photo from google images)

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