‘Heads will roll’ is a comment that we are very much used to read or hear. One, literally, rolled in front of the Selangor state secretariat on Friday, August 28, 2009. A group of about 50 Muslim protesters marched 300 meters to the Secretariat building with the chopped head of a cow(the animal is sacred for the Hindus) threw it on the road and trampled on it, shouting extremities against the ruling authorities of the Selangor state. They professed to be dissatisfied with the Selangor government for allowing a Hindu temple to be relocated from Section 19 to Section 23 in Shah Alam which they claimed was a Muslim majority area.
Let it be a Muslim majority area. Or let a place of worship for Muslims be built in a Hindus majority area. Should it matter? Where is the religious tolerance that has been and still being preached by the people in power gone? And the much publicized concept of 1Malaysia by the PM can be only successful if racial and religious prejudices and intolerances can be eradicated from the face of this nation.
How ironical that today being Independence or Merdeka Day here, and when all the races in Malaysia should be united in celebrating the event, one should be grieving on a disunifying act of scorn. We do not know when the next racial-segregating instigators will attack. Have we truly obtained our Independence – the freedom to reside anywhere and practice the religion we want?