“Is that a tear in your shirt?”
“Under the arm”.
“Where? I can’t see any”.
“April fool!”
That was my wife playing the April Fool joke on me. Well, she likes to berate me all right.
Funny, my kids don’t like to play the April Fool joke on me
and neither do I like to play it on them. No, I don’t think it is because of
shyness on our part. It is just that they don’t like to see their father
being deceived or lose his integrity and the same goes for me in relation to my kids.
But they would love to play the April Fool joke on their mother, anytime! And
laugh their heads off!
Funny isn’t it?
Back to my spouse playing that trick on me. I am a man with some ego. I should have torn the shirt at the arm and showed her indeed she was right all along and so I was no April fool. But then I would have become another sort of fool - a real fool. So I didn't. He! He! Better be the April fool.
Back to my spouse playing that trick on me. I am a man with some ego. I should have torn the shirt at the arm and showed her indeed she was right all along and so I was no April fool. But then I would have become another sort of fool - a real fool. So I didn't. He! He! Better be the April fool.
The present lousy times will one day become ‘those good old days’. Just as those miserable times when money was hard to come by, the same boring foods on the table, daily walking 2 kilometers to school, getting whacked by teachers for forgetting to bring certain stuff, riding your vehicles on the dusty and rough roads are now extolled as ‘those good old days’.