I have a dream
To dream like Dr Martin Luther King Jr
That one day our nation will be one and not divided by race, religion, schools, festivals, languages or jobs.
1 race – the Malaysian race – Everyone can practice everyone’s customs and traditions.
1 religion – Malaysianism, if you please – a combination of all religions. No conversions. Anyone can enter anyone’s place of worship and pray!
1 festival – Malaysian festival – Whole Malaysia celebrates the festival in every cultural ways it has, once only every year.
1 language – English – all Malaysians intertwining smoothly with the language. At home they speak their own mother tongue.
1 school - teaching in the English medium and the vernacular languages for home use. Even the villagers speak good English!
1 restaurant – anyone can enter any restaurant and consume any food he wants there and then. Malaysians from all roots is seen having meals at one place eating anything they like.
Let me dream some more!
The armed forces consist mainly of Chinese, Indians. It is very difficult to see the Malays. It is the same in the government departments – difficult to see a Malay.
The Malays move the Malaysian economy. Everywhere you see there are only Malay businesses -shops, factories, firms and the likes. Only a few Indian and Chinese shops strewn here and there. Cities and towns are mainly made up of the Malay populace. The Chinese and Indians are toiling in the paddy fields. The kampongs are mainly made up of Chinese and Indian inhabitants.
Please stop my dream! It is getting to be a nightmare!