The car is running at a reckless speed on the
road. It squeezes left and right, overtaking cars, as though, they are stationary
objects. It doesn’t let any other car to overtake it, increasing its speed. It, finally, stops at an apartment in town. A woman gets out. Now, she is all
soft and tender. Her face has this innocent and timid girl look. This is the
Malaysian woman driver, before she sits in the driver’s seat!
The present government may be corrupt, or may even play
dirty, when nearing election. But the opposition parties aren’t any better.
There are continuous stream of infighting amongst them. There isn’t any
assurance that they would stay united, and concentrate on working for the
welfare of the populace.
Well, the ruling government has the blue Barisan
Nasional (National Front) flag, with the dice symbol, as the main united party
flag representation, and displays it everywhere. The opposition parties say they
are united, under the name of Party Rakyat, but, until now, I don’t really know
which is their united party flag. This shows how well they are organized! Well, it’s time to really do a deep thinking, as to whom to vote for.
Who says PAS is a racist party? No, it is not racial.
It welcomes all the races - Chinese, Indians, etc - in its fold.
Only that they should be Muslims!