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Showing posts with label I on Malaysia - Najib's 1 Malaysia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label I on Malaysia - Najib's 1 Malaysia. Show all posts

Sunday, July 12, 2009

My post in our Malaysian Prime Ministers Blog - 1Malaysia

A humble request

Dear honourable PM. I am proud that I at last have a PM of my beloved Malaysia who is so humble to have a blog for the people to keep in close contact with him. I know your 1Malaysia concept is very heartfelt - to unite the various races in Malaysia. Your blog is one of the paths in achieving that. However, in doing so, I am sad to say that you seem to have unknowingly neglected to give importance to a basic pride of the Indians - the Tamil language. Your blog accomadates only three of the four main languages of the nation, clearly neglecting the Tamil language. As we know our education system also gives importance to the teaching of the language in the educational institutions. As such I am sure a suitable candidate could be found in dealing with the language in your blog. Having a Tamil version will go a long way in helping the Indians to feel that they are indeed a requisite for the needs of 1Malaysia concept. I thank you PM for letting me have my opinion expressed out.

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