The next in line man, Dato Seri Najib then took over the reins. Since then, Najib, to win over the citizens to his side, with the next election of May 5, 2013 mainly in mind, implemented a lot of seemingly beneficial programs for the populace. He rose up the salaries of all the government servants, including that of all the uniformed personnel, like the army and the police. There were the many 1Malaysia stuffs, the most well known of which are the Kedai 1 Rakyat or people’s shops and the 1Malaysia clinics. And several other programs. He gave cash outs which he called as Bantuan Rakyat 1 Malaysia(BR1M). People were smiling and were happy with him. And they knew fairly well that all those 'presents' were election winning exploits. But they did not mind, as long as they were getting something! And Najib was happy to see, hear and read all the accolades that the media, mostly linked to his Barisan Nasional party, dished out. He was confident he will win the 13th General Election (or commonly called as GE13) with a remarkable majority. Well, he should be. He, really, planned and worked hard and tirelessly.
Came Election Day! And the votes counting time! Najib
was excited with high expectation! But lo! Najib’s Barisan Nasional did win the
election but did not get the majority that Najib expected. It got less Parliamentary
seats than 2008! In fact, on the popularity count the party fared worse than
Just imagine what would have happened if Najib had not
done all those cash and kind handouts, and implemented all those programs, and
the many facilities and financial provision that he had made for the people; Barisan
Nasional would have, clearly, lost the election, and the Opposition party would
have taken over the country.
Politics is really funny.
Politics is really funny.