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Friday, January 29, 2021

Why do the Hindus have animals as deities.


God created all living things of the world. And Hinduism, being  an ancient and mythological religion, also gives importance to the creation and the existence of animals. Hindus believe some animals are also sacred and some are more revered than others, and also believe that the animals were created by God (for Hindus, it is Brahma or Shiva) for a purpose, that is, to serve Him and the other Gods and Goddesses as well as humans. They also believe that the souls of their ancestors, or that of their demised good friends or of that of their family members could be reincarnated into these animals. Therefore, in reality, animals are not to be abused. But you will note that not every Hindu follows this! Animals like dogs, cats are ill-treated by some. Rats are killed for reasons known to us, of course! In this present world it is very difficult to find a really pious Hindu. Unfortunately, it also goes for the other religions.

The most common animals that we are familiar with, and which are deemed to be sacred are mentioned in the Indian religious scriptures, such as the Vedas. Those are the elephant, cow, peacock, monkey, dog, snake, tiger, lion, mouse, eagle and horse. Many more are revealed. To know all about those animals and their consortium and service to the Hindu Gods and Goddesses please go The Sacred Animals in Hinduism. You will notice that many of those animals were used as transportation vehicles for the Gods and Goddesses. Before the ‘Animal Rights' groups spring into action (wink!), note that those animals were under the bonds of affinity and blessings of the Gods and Goddesses, and being blessed by them, the animals were not the ordinary ones that we see today! Those creatures, as said before, were closely allied to the Almighties and had super strength and mystical powers, like enabling them to become huge or small, as the situation warrants, and they were only too eager to assist the Supreme beings. For example, there is the tale about the monkey God, Hanuman, becoming a huge giant to break up and carry a large part of a mountain to another place!

The supreme strength, mystical powers and their eagerness to protect their creators and the humans, had evolved in the passage of time, and many of those sacred animals were being looked upon as deities by most Hindus, for their pious service to the Gods and Goddesses and to humans,  So, there is no chance of any talk about animal abuse here! Maybe animal loyalty and enthusiasm, yes! My, what a complicated religion Hinduism is!

Monday, January 25, 2021

Trump, the final apprentice?

 There is an untold feeling like the whole world is heaving a great sigh of relief of Trump having left the office of the Presidency of USA, the reason being, many of his decisions have been very controversial and hurting to many nations. I am sure many of the posts in the blogs and the media would have covered that.

That aside, talking on a slightly different aspect, but quite relevant to the subject, the fact is, money really talks. See. It made the multi-billionaire Trump the most powerful man in the world - the President of America! Being fair to the man, it is very certain Trump made shrewd use of his money to achieve the thing that he so desired. He got power and fame. Fame and popularity, he already had, when his television reality show, The Apprentice was ardently followed by eager viewers, serial after serial, on most parts of the world, including my Malaysia. Ironically, his reality show phrase “You are fired”, used in The Apprentice, continued to be used in his real life as President and many of his staff were the victims. In a way, quite sadly, on January 20, 2021 it catapulted back to him.  

He, Donald John Trump, had been a man of determination all right - determination to win anything, by hook or crook and fought tooth and nail to get it. His life showed it. It seems to be not in his blood to go down tamely. Yes, he fought to the bitter end. The end of his Presidency.

I think many men and women will follow his in-built good traits – determination; that you will finally succeed if you really put your heart into it. And strength. And the capability to withstand and absorb the whiplash!

Monday, January 18, 2021

Birds and the bees

“Shanti, I am going to the beach,” the husband said,to watch the birds.”

Shanti, stared at him, for a minute, wondering whether they were the feathered ones, or the human kind.

We may put aside the feelings of Shanti, as such is the case, with the word ‘bird’, which is used liberally. It is used to indicate a situation one is in, or to express a certain exploit. 

Birds are, undeniably, exceptional creatures, and their flying aptitudes, and other distinctiveness give cause for ideas for proverbs, puns and phrases. Continue to read on and you will notice those.

Birds have been the inspiration behind the production of aeroplanes, helicopters, fighter jets, gliders, and even the space shuttles. The analytical and systemic studies of a bird to the very minute details - of its lift off, its flight, and its landing, in relation to the pull of the earth’s gravity - have enabled man to create his own machines that can fly in the air, and land on the ground, as well as, on water.

The reason that I am talking about birds is that, birds, being such marvelous and awe-inspiring creatures, we are taking them for granted. We demean them, by using them as example, as in the case of ‘the birds and the bees’to explain and, supposedly, enlighten our children about the expansion of population on earth! The amount of understanding by the children, in this matter, is doubtable. Many are the children, who so associate the birds with the population growth, that it is quite laughable, as in the case of a child, who told his friend that his village had less people, because, there were less birds! If one can, inconspicuously, listen to the children speaking after they had undergone a short ‘birds and the bees’ explanation, one will, certainly, obtain quite a bit of ammunition for laughter. Preferably, a more direct approach to express the reality of the human being’s multiplication process, is more apt and agreeable.

By using the ‘birds and the bees’ theory one may think that he or she has killed two birds with one stone; by enlightening the children of the human birth process, and at the same time, giving more knowledge on the 'birds and the bees' themselves. The matter of children getting educated more about the 'birds and the bees' is acceptable, but, the children’s perception of the former, and the main purpose is debatable. Small and young, though, they are, the children are not bird-brained. 

Taking a bird’s eye view of the situation, a child is quite intelligent enough to accept the explanations in plain, scientific terms. Just as, the early bird catches the worm, an early education on the human multiplication process, in plain, actual interpretation, will do a lot of good, to the grasping ability of a child. At a time, when the child is feeling as free as the bird, it will eagerly seize, and perceive anything that is thrown at it. The child will not have the perception that a bird in hand is worth two in the bush. It will always go for the extra. It will always search if it is worth more! More so, when they are amongst their own kind. Thrilled, and encouraged they will be, and gladly mingle around with their own groups, and crave for the chance of getting more knowledge of life. How so right is the saying 'birds of a feather flock together'. 

When such is the unavoidable situation, one who tries, insistently, to use the above said theory, will not succeed in his venture, and the theory in the end, will only go to the birds. I hope my point has hit its  target. A birdy, I hope so!

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