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Showing posts with label I on Malaysia - Chickening on Bikini. Show all posts
Showing posts with label I on Malaysia - Chickening on Bikini. Show all posts

Friday, December 3, 2010

Decent sportswear

Did you see the women’s beach-volleyball of the Asian Games, recently held in Guangzhou, China? And did you see the attires the Malaysian women’s team was wearing, when it was playing? The players were wearing bikinis!

I don’t know about you, but I had a funny feeling; a feeling mixed with embarrassment and surprise. The reason is simply this. There have been a lot of debates about whether Malaysia was an Islamic country, or a secular one. Now, would a Muslim nation allow its citizens to wear bikinis in public, more so, watched by millions of people of the world, in Medias? This is 'one up' for the non-Islamic-nation asserters, and the moderates. Oh, okay, the players were non Muslims. But Obama had mentioned Malaysia as an Islamic nation, in one of his famous speeches that he made, in Cairo. What would have the world thought?

And the Malaysian commentators of the game, as far as I know, due to their familiar voices, were Malays and Muslims.

Anyway, I wished the players had been wearing something that completely covered their hips and thighs, Muslims or no. There were children watching too, you know. Don’t just ape the others, and do what they do, where good morality is involved.

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