Young girls? Sixty-years old man? You are wondering! Yes, exactly. Not with the present manifestation, of course. It is when he is acting in the screens, with all the makeovers. In the screens he plays a youthful, handsome and stylish actor, an eligible bachelor on whom the girls keep their eyes on! Add to this, his mischievous antics and heroic fights with the screen baddies, the attraction is magical! The audience really gets turned on. Now, that is acting. An old man able to make the young viewers of both sexes crave for more! No wonder his films are always hits.
He is the James Bond of Tamil cinema where young heroines line up to act beside him, for the glamour and prestige that will be bestowed upon them. His film, ‘Endhiran’ (Robot) had former Miss World, Aishwarya Rai acting beside him, which she would have, certainly, thought as her divine luck.
I am no teenager but I can't wait to see all his new films!

There he sits, humbly, an old man of sixty, of dark complexion, wearing a simple slack and shirt. His head is bald except for the slight patches of hair on the sides. He can be mistaken for a low paying Indian worker, perhaps like a bus conductor, which he once actually was. Not anymore! Now he is The Superstar of the Tamil film world! This is Rajnikanth! The heart throb of millions of young girls!
Young girls? Sixty-years old man? You are wondering! Yes, exactly. Not with the present manifestation, of course. It is when he is acting in the screens, with all the makeovers. In the screens he plays a youthful, handsome and stylish actor, an eligible bachelor on whom the girls keep their eyes on! Add to this, his mischievous antics and heroic fights with the screen baddies, the attraction is magical! The audience really gets turned on. Now, that is acting. An old man able to make the young viewers of both sexes crave for more! No wonder his films are always hits.
He is the James Bond of Tamil cinema where young heroines line up to act beside him, for the glamour and prestige that will be bestowed upon them. His film, ‘Endhiran’ (Robot) had former Miss World, Aishwarya Rai acting beside him, which she would have, certainly, thought as her divine luck.
I am no teenager but I can't wait to see all his new films!