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Showing posts with label Trump vs Covid- 19. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trump vs Covid- 19. Show all posts

Monday, October 5, 2020

President Trump's Covid- 19 virus attack - a hoax?


Could President Trump’s Covid- 19 attack be a hoax, a drama, perhaps? I hope so. Yes, I hope him being found positive for Covid- 19 virus is just a gimmick to offset his doing badly in the Trump vs. Biden Presidential Debate. Trump being found positive, and being quarantined just after about 1 day from his debate held on September 29, in Cleveland, brings about this unintended suspicion. The fact that he can be driven around in his Presidential car and waving to the well-wishers along the street further strengthens this notion, added with the  presence of the political syndrome called as 'sympathy votes', and elections being just a month away.

Of course, we do not want anything untoward happen to Trump because of him being the current President of the American people.

USA, being the superpower that it is, and having control, whether directly, indirectly or even remotely over the world’s wellbeing of its economy, political stability, environmental dispositions will greatly bring about some anxiety to many leaders of the world.  And, generally, USA, having the internationally assumed task of being the ‘big brother’, whatever nastiness happens to its leader is sure to disrupt the routine functions of the world on a lot of aspects. Often, negatively, for many nations that depend on it, be it openly or secondarily.

If President Trump has truly contracted this scourge of Covid- 19 virus,  I, as a normal and caring human being, sincerely, wish him speedy recovery to his twitting self!

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