Examination results
The face has an anxious sign
The heart throbs suddenly! Silently!
A chill runs along the spine!
Is it fear? Is it glee?
“Here are the results!” the mouth mutters.
The body straightens up, with excitement, with fear!
The eyes stare, gaze at some letters
They glitter, “I’ve passed! Oh, God! Oh, dear!”
The heart shrieks for joy!
The mouth is wide, it smiles!
The legs are suddenly strong, why?
They want to run a hundred miles!
In the morning
I hear the flap of wings
And a cock crows through the silence
A bird on a tree sings
A car starts in the distance
A gate squeals around the corner
A bicycle squeals on the road
A gander cackles somewhere
A frog croaks, or is it a toad?
The old man coughs, next door
My old man stops snoring
Fowls crow as never before
It’s morning!
The sparkle in the eyes
A smile,
Without the sparkle in the eyes,
Is just an elongation of the mouth.
A grin,
Without the sparkle in the eyes,
Is merely a display of teeth.
Without the sparkle in the eyes,
Is just a noise from the vocal cord.
That sparkle in the eyes,
Is an oasis in the desert!
A ray of light in the dark!
The diamond, beyond human grasp!