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Saturday, May 2, 2009

Obama is a Precedent ...of USA

It has been just over 100 days of Barack Obama’s presidency in USA now, but the hysteria and phobia over Obama still hasn’t waned, at least, not with me.

 Well, maybe a little. I have been, ardently, following his every move since he started his campaign against John McCain. And it got more exciting when he campaigned against Hilary Clinton. After work, I will be glued to the TV for the latests on Obama. The TV was no more the ‘idiot box’! It got so bad that I heard my wife grumbling about she missing her favorite serials! I dare say the same or similar situations have happened in many households throughout the world. Why? The reason is obvious. For the first time an Afro American, a minority race, in a nation of mostly whites, was in the limelight for the Presidency of the most powerful nation in the world. And, now, he is the president! The miracle has happened! It is a miracle because a person of previously downtrodden race, by the whites, ( forgive me for rekindling the ugly side of history a little ) has been able hold the highest post in the world. Of course, the socially advanced white Americans had voted him in, not to mention about his own minority race.

 The white Americans have, at last, openly, demonstrated their maturity and acceptance of anything good. They have got back some self respect in the process. Minority races all over the world have rejoiced openly or embarrassingly inwards. They are extremely happy for Barack H. Obama! They hope the best for him. He is one of them now! The high ratings that he obtained for his first 100 days of presidency have pleased them immensely!

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