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  • Frank Opinions, Humerous Experiences and Jokes to make you laugh, Poems, Funny Quips and Interesting Incidents, Facts of life, Happenings, Information, etc.


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Monday, May 17, 2021

The crust and crux of Hindu wedding.

Friends, there had been a big delay in any new post from me because I had been greatly occupied by a happy event – the marriage of my first son. I am sure you are also happy to get this news and will naturally understand the lapse.

Though the wedding occurred on Sunday, 24 October 2010, this being an Indian wedding, a lot of cultural and traditional events had been in order. Firstly, the boy’s side - that is us – had to go to the girl’s house and rightly ask the girl’s parents for the girl’s hands. Mind you, this after knowing that the boy and girl had already been meeting very often for the past two years now and were inseparable. Oh, okay. Liked each other! The event is called ‘nichiyam’.

Then there is the ‘parisam’ where the boy’s family, along with a few close relatives and neighborly friends go to the girl’s house with ‘tambalams’ (trays) of several types of offerings like various type of fruits, sweets, cakes, candies, etc. We took 21 ‘tambalams’.

‘Parisam’ is the time when the actual wedding date and time would be confirmed and the dreadful (bonanza for some) dowry, respectfully referred in Tamil as ‘seerr’ (sounds as in seek), would be discussed. You guessed it! There was no mention of it by me. I am not a dowry seeker. My troupe got the wind of it and they did not bring it up either. Of course, if the girl’s side wants to feel respectful by offering something, I have got no objection. They did not mention it either. By the way, before any of you got the wrong idea, dowry is some sort of gift that the girl’s family gives to the boy’s family. It could be land, property, house, furniture, vehicle or even cash in kind. A big debate can be got out of this dowry thing!

The girl’s side had arranged for the ‘parisam’ to be held in a temple as their house could not accommodate big crowds, which we were. This we accepted. We, especially me, are not the picky and fussy type. Thank you.

The ‘parisam’ over, three days before the wedding day, ‘nalunggu’ and ‘kaal oondrudhal’ were done. ‘Nalunggu’ is where the bridegroom sits cross-legged outside the house, normally in the porch and three to nine female relatives and friends offer prayers in front of him with various prayer items. The prayer items are circled around his seated body, from head to toe, often touching his shoulders and knees. The items include an oval shaped flour grinding stone, quite heavy. One can’t help laughing when sometimes the bridegroom ducks his head involuntarily when the stone is above his head during the circular movement. Vibuthy (prayer ash), crimson coloured powder and yellowish powder moisture are slightly stroked up on his forehead cheeks and hands.

‘Kaal oondrudhal’ is basically standing up about a five to six feet bamboo pole on the land in front of the house. If no land is available it is planted in a big vase. While planting or inserting the bamboo at least three or five women should hold it. Of course, prayers are made while doing it.

Then comes the big day, the wedding day. Preparation is huge; ordering the printing of wedding cards, writing up the names and distributing the cards, buying the wedding apparels and ornaments, arranging for the tents, video and cameramen, decorations…phew! Just mentioning them is so tiring!

Okay, friends. Everything is all over now! From now on I will try my best to put up a post as often as I can. Thanks for being with me.


Oh, I still haven’t told you about the pinnacle of the wedding, the ceremony that matters most, the tying of the 'thali' around the bride’s (ponnu’s) neck by the bridegroom (mappillai)!  Thali is, basically, several cotton strings twisted together into a wire size thickness of yellow string. The thali has to be in the Indian auspicious color of yellow and will be prepared with turmeric or saffron.  A small, oval-shaped (intricately structured and depicting symbols of the Gods) piece of gold is strung on the thali in the center. After the priest had chanted and hymned several rituals and mantras, in front a small fire burning on mango sticks, intermittently, fed by suitably-liquefied ghee by the priest, he gives the thali, laid on a tray with a peeled coconut and other smaller holy items like betel leaves, betel nuts and bananas,  to a close relative, to be shown to the congregation, individually, to get their blessings, which they do by hovering their opened and over turned palms over the tray with the thali, just for a second.  Phew! That was long! And, indeed, an Hindu wedding ceremony also takes very long - almost two hours. I am married and had been a very close witness to the weddings of my two sons, not mentioning the dozens of weddings that I have attended and I still don’t know which rituals come first and their purposes! Just telling you how complicating and long the Hindu rituals and the traditional procedures can be. That seems to be the reason why the priests are an integral part of Hindu traditions, prayers and festivals. What I know is that the fire is there as a witness to the wedding. Remember fire can enlighten as well as annihilate!

Well, let’s come back to my son’s wedding matter. After all said and done - ha ha, I mean after the hymns of rituals and the ritualistic  tasks that the bride and groom were asked to utter and do, my son was given the ritualistically blessed thali to tie around the neck of the ‘ponnu’ who was sitting beside him. And he gladly did, accompanied by the traditional, doom, doom, doom music that was always played when the thali was being tied. Dry saffron rice were thrown by the people sitting or standing in front, over the couples’ heads as a show of blessings, as is the custom. 

End of the main ceremony. Ceremonies of different sorts start……..!

Saturday, May 15, 2021

What names you must not give your business!

 Found in my home town of Taiping in Malaysia. 

1. Gives you the wrong impression!


2.   Choose carefully!

3.  Too silent!



Saturday, May 1, 2021

India - the real battleground of Covid- 19 virus?

 What a sad and very tragic state of affairs, the nation of India is in. Yes, India, a vastly populated nation, a nation, very proud of its ancient, herbal,  Ayurvedic medicines, which it swores can prevent or cure any sicknesses, is now finding itself in deep trouble, unable to cope and cure the scourge of the  life-taking disease of Covid- 19. ‘Sitha maruthuvam’ and ‘Patti vaithiam’  as the ancient Ayurvedic remedies are fondly called, in the equally, ancient, Indian, Dravidian Tamil language, are getting a bad beating with regards to their real efficiencies and in emergencies of titanic nature.

Indeed, what a cruel and merciless pandemic Covid- 19 disease is. As I had mentioned in my earlier posts, it almost looks like it IS The Almighty who sent this curse of a disease, to test the humans! To be fair to India, it did take immediate and early precautional steps to prevent and control the covid- 19 virus. If I am not wrong, I remember India was the first nation in the world to impose nationwide lockdown, at the very first indication of the advent of the virus. Prime Minister Narendra Modi imposed it on March 24, 2020. 

India, it seemed, was so comfortable, then, that it started to provide vaccines and other aids to other countries. In sincerity, at that time, I, too, actually, thought the PM was overdoing it.  I thought India, being such a giant in the medical world, it can overcome the Covid- 19 disease gradually, at its own space. But, unfortunate India is now struggling with  all sorts of problems and the resultant complications; not enough oxygen for the dying patients, not enough beds, not enough test kits, PPEs,  and many other medical accessories and facilities.

Added to that, the tragic consequence of dead bodies, piteously, piling up is also giving a big perplexing headache to a strictly, ritualistic India.

The only glimmer of good news is, several countries, whether friends or foes, have, immediately, come forward, in the name of humanity, to help India, in this seemingly uncontrollable crisis. We hope the scourge of covid- 19 virus has found its match in the unified armoury of human actions.

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Afghanistan troops withdrawal - Trump's triumph?



There have been media reports of both American and international, saying that the new American President, Joe Biden is planning to pull out all the American troops from Afghanistan by September 11, 2021. (Note the date – 9/11)! Sounds unpleasantly familiar? Well, let bygones be bygones. Let us not dig back the tragic and cruel memories.

 Coming back to the withdrawal, it sounds, as though, Joe Biden has taken the initiative to do so, to withdraw the American troops. Actually, that is not the case. The planning and The Agreement had been done by the then, President Trump with the Taliban on February 2020. The Taliban, in turn, were not to support the already ‘defeated’ Al-Qaeda, and not to attack the America troops. The Taliban had insisted the American troops be withdrawn by May 1, 2021. Now, there is a nervous and silent hope that  no acts of violence, by the Taliban, occur when the May 1 deadline passes!

By the way, the withdrawal of the troops, is by no means, a half-finished business, like that of the Vietnam War withdrawal, when the Americans lost the war, and the then, President Nixon said they were ‘withdrawing with honor’! This time, the Americans say that Al-Qaeda had been defeated and a strong Afghanistan government had been put into place, and there is no reason for Americans troops to be in Afghanistan any more. Hope it is, exactly, that.

Tuesday, April 13, 2021



“That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”, said Neil Armstrong, upon setting foot on the moon on July 20, 1969, in the Apollo 11 mission.

Well, there is another similar saying that I want to say here, “One small foot for a man, a thousand tasty feet for mankind!” Ha! Ha! Are you wondering what I am talking about? It’s about the service of the chickens to mankind, to us! Say what you may, but all along chickens have been satisfying the tasty buds of humans, since time immemorial! Let us give a thought to them.

Fried chicken, roasted chicken, steamed chicken, barbeque chicken, garlic chicken, lemon chicken, chicken breast, drumstick, chicken chop, grilled chicken on ginger wine chicken….. phew!... there are hundreds of names for the cooked chicken throughout the world! All the nations have their own favorite chicken recipes! Why, companies and millions, if not, billions of workers earn their living because of these chickens. In Malaysia, we are familiar with KFC, Macdonald, Mary Brown’s, Nando’s, Kenny Rogers Roasters, The Chicken Rice Shop and so on.

Whether man has landed on the moon or not, or, on other planets, for that matter, chickens have been and are always going to serve mankind. In various ways! Apart from their generous meat, their eggs, with the proteins for the human body, and their feather-dusters coming in handy on several occasions, always stand out at the fore front of our mind.

 How nice and apt, if, to appreciate the roles that chickens have been and are playing to the tummies of humans, we can have a world’s Chicken Day, when we don’t touch even a dot of chicken! Oops, and Wow! Looks like there is one ‘World Chicken Day’ on second Thursday of November, according to Wikipedia! Good! But no good! Because no one knows about it and will continue wallop chickens like nobody’s business on that day!

Have a heart for these chickens. Not the tummy...eh? Just for a day! In respect and appreciation of the self-sacrificers! Care a thought. Popularize and promote the World Chicken Day, so that, we, humans, really, appreciate their roles in human lives, and treat the chickens like kings and queens on that day!

Cluck! Cluck! Cluck! Kokkara-ko-ko! (Tamil) Cock-a-doodle-doo! (English) Kuku-kookoo!(Arabic) Kikeriki! (German); in all the languages of the world you cluck and crow. And in various ways, cooked and uncooked, you serve mankind. For all that, we salute you! And thank you for allowing us to ‘Cook’-a-doodle-doo!

Monday, March 29, 2021

Cars have souls!

Cars have souls of their own. Yes. When you ignore them or are just not inclined to show any care towards them, they show an abundance of displeasure, by malfunctioning and exhibiting, one by one, their faulty parts!  They break down, suddenly! At some strange places at that! At traffic signal of an extremely busy road, or at a popular and busy shopping mall or even at a narrow one-way street!  It is, as though, they are, purposely, reminding you to pay some heed to their conditions, especially, the outer ones.

All their parts seem to have some sort of understanding among each other! Then, why, after I had changed the starter but paid little attention to the cleanliness of the car,  the car’s radiator, immediately, began  giving problems by overheating the engine? After all, I had fully checked the cooling system, just one month earlier!

I drive a Malaysian assembled Hyundai Atos car; a sixteen years old one. You may argue that it is an old car and, naturally, the parts will have to be changed one by one. Fair enough. But why must it stop at a busy signal light and let passersby look at me; some pitifully, some worriedly and some with struggles of joy on their faces? The last rejoicing group, definitely, could have gone through some similar situation! 

The reason for the breakdown, that day - no oil in the gear box. But I had filled that up two days ago! I, actually, now know the suspected reason; I did not clean up the car for several weeks, then! A tow-car towed my car to the foreman and he repaired a surprising leak, and filled up the gear box with the relevant oil.

You may have your doubts, of course, and say cleanliness is not the cause of engine failures. Then why must my car fail to start at a petrol station? The pump attendants helped me push my unclean car out of the petrol station. And after some sweating and gasping for breath, I had to phone a battery shop for help. Luckily, it was open on that Sunday and the battery got changed and the car was started. The first thing I did was to, immediately, drive the car to an auto car-wash center, nearby, to have it cleaned! 

Just to inform you, due to my ignorance and, perhaps, some laziness in not sending the car to a wash center, regularly, to have it cleaned and groomed up, and make it smug and happy, l had lost quite a fortune. So far, I had been forced to change the car engine water pump, radiator, fuel tank meter, car rims, fog lamps, air-conditioning fan, lower control arm (left side) and even the steering wheel! More parts to follow? No way! I am keeping the car clean, nowadays!

My, cars do have souls! A new car don’t give problems because we will wipe-clean the whole car if we detect even a small speck of dirt on it! Furthermore, we admire and kiss the new car before we go to bed! The car, of course, will be conceited and pleased! Get it? Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Friday, March 19, 2021

Vaccine-card world. Here it comes!


It is going to become a 'vaccine-card world' soon. It is already happening. Airlines expect their passengers to have the all clear Covid- 19 vaccinated cards. They may also be required to show their passports with the stamp: VACCINATED AGAINST COVID- 19 or something like that!

Already, there has been news about employers asking for proof of vaccination from future employees, along with their cvs.

Shopping malls may soon only allow vaccinated persons to enter their places. Their security personnel may prevent anyone without the 'vaccinated' cards from entering their premises. It is going to be, “Your vaccination card, please. Thank you, madam. Have a good day!” Or, “Sorry, sir. No vaccination card - no entry!" 

Trains and other public transport vehicles may require persons to show vaccine-cards before they can embark. Travelers and tourists can’t go anywhere without the vaccine-cards!

Time to rush for the vaccination!

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

USA - Is it still the world's policeman?


Let’s face it. And say it, as what it is. Whenever, there are serious protests and rallies in a country  and civilians are killed by the people whom the protests are against,  the first question that one asks in one’s mind is ‘What is United States is going to do about it'. Not what UN, EU or even Russia or any other political or regional group is going to do about it? Such is the complexion of superiority that the US’s past, self-justified, responsive actions have been embedded into one’s mind. The launching of missiles, bombardments in the Middle East countries and the killing of the well known political personalities like Sadat Hussein and Gaddafi are just simple examples. Imposition of sanctions on countries that the US considers as rogues, and the inclination of other countries to follow that imposition is another one. Actually, to me, its clout began after the second world war, after the devastating, disastrous bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki!

Right now, mass rallies, protests and killings of civilians are going on in many countries of the world. And the world is watching what USA is going to do about it. Yes, what the newly elected President Biden is going to do about it! That is the burden that comes along for being the superpower! And, for being the President of USA!

Saturday, March 6, 2021

A plea to God on the occasion of 'International Women's Day' on 8th march

Dear God. We know you created men and women, but you seemed to have, intentionally, created women as the weaker and forever the suffering ones. Just look at India. How the women are being treated, or mistreated; raped, beaten, tortured. For those who were lucky to escape the demeanors they still have  got to be careful, careful and careful. Careful, of how they talk, act, smile and laugh. Just in case you are wondering who I am, I am a man.

A few months ago, I was made aware by a  TV Channel that not only in India that women are looked down but also in other parts of the world. As for India, yes we know; their ancient and somewhat strange (but convenient to the male segment) traditions and customs required the parents of women to pay dowries to the men’s side for taking the women as their wives. Don’t misunderstand. One man one wife! Mind you, dowries didn’t come cheap then. Acres of land, cattle to plough the field, currency notes, gold…help me, my brain is going mayhem! No wonder the men, no not only the men; whole families in India were afraid to have girls to be born to the families. What a regrettable situation.

If the dowries given were not satisfactory, the poor wives would wretchedly bear the painful outcome from the in-laws. In-laws, my foot! Outlaws they were! Come on you people; pick someone your own size! May be you can pick the father-in-laws.

In various countries of the world where Indians live, that senseless dowry giving system is still being continued by many brainless, lazy bumpkins, shamelessly trying to live on women. Nowadays, it is cars, motorcycles, houses and of course money, gold, etc. Must give them honey to drink, and deeply poisoned ones at that. Then, maybe others will learn. Sorry, God.

Well. That was India. Well, as I had said that TV channel enlightened me that Columbia, a country in Latin America, also has the prevalence of violence on women. No, dowry is not the problem here.  They do not positively pinpoint the reason. The most likelihood of a reason is deduced as this; the men over there seem to think they are all machos and the women are weaklings and should do everything as bidden by them. Should the women refuse, then they had it. Poor earthlings of the weaker kind! And what a cowardly and spineless way for a man to show he is macho. He is not macho. He is plain stupid and gutless.

I was very sure not only women from these two countries are downtrodden. I checked. Yes, in Wikipedia it was mentioned that there were several nations in the world with untold violence on women, even in this modern age. Percentages were given against the countries, like Turkey 42%, Barbados 30%, Canada 29%, Egypt 34%, New Zealand 35%, Switzerland 35%, United States 33% and India 70%. It was stated that South Africa had the highest. Devastating, is it not? But of course, as we know, Wikipedia did not do the survey directly and is not responsible for it. It was done by persons who had their own actions and techniques of analysis and surveys. To me, almost all the countries have their own percentages.

Anyway, to the men of those countries, what a shame! You came from a woman. A woman bears your burden right from the start when you are a fetus in her stomach and right to when you are a grown up man and you, you scoundrel, demean her unashamedly, ungratefully! Have a heart. Oh, even that was given by her! Repay back, man. Repay. And repent. Thank you, God, for allowing me that advice. I request you, earnestly, to look into this matter and put an end to the violence on the world’s mothers daughters and sisters.  Human beings are not doing much to attempt a complete stop to this. That is why I am appealing to you.

You may be wondering why with all the other atrocities and turmoil in the world, like people killing each other, bombing themselves and others to pieces under the names of battles and wars and even with the presence of covid -19 pandemic, I particularly brought the matter of sufferings of women up to you. Well, for the other carnages and massacres, thousands and thousands of people are praying to you every day. I have a feeling that women are not praying for themselves, for their own well being. May you bless their souls.

Monday, February 22, 2021

Once more - poetry in emotion!


Remember the days when
We bullied each other;
Too young we were then
To realize a bother.
Push did we our foes 
Inside the pond of mud!
In turn, we did receive dose
Of kicks, thud and thud!

Remember the day when
We pinned on Samy’s back,
And he walked on the track,
So innocent, so unaware;
The crowd did laugh and jeer!
Samy, all he did was to stand and stare.
Oh, what fun, what cheer!

Remember the day when
We flung stones at
Our fruit selling Ben.
He got so raging that
Left he his fruits, then and there
And came running after us,
While Lim appeared from nowhere
And his fruits disappeared, thus!

Remember the day when
Entered we into Siang’s farm
And were picking up his chicken
When Siang came along with a firearm!
Run we did, and hid in a bush,
But the little hen cackled us away!
So we did give it a prompt push
And scampered all the way!

Remember the day when
We played hide and seek;
Nine of us I think, no ten.
And Dan had the cheek
To hide in a van.
The game did end, such a pity,
But we still could not find Dan,
For the van had gone to the city!

Remember the day when
There was a large party
And oh, so many women!
There was Ali, you and me.
Told were we to dance
By a fat woman in fur.
Bewildered were we, and stood in a trance
Oh, so mocked and laughed at we were!

Ah, those were the days when
We did things without a care.
Our lives were full, never barren.
Joy was here, there, everywhere!
It is, oh, so hard to believe!
We did have grief and pain
But what we would not give
To live those times, once again!

Thursday, February 4, 2021

The ugly side of America


The whole world finally saw the ugly side of America, since the old, lawless cowboy and western days, if you will. I think there has never been more of a disturbing and bewildering incident like that of which happened on the 6th January 2021. The world stood with its mouth open! They were wondering is this really the great USA, with its highly modern and civilized citizens who, generally, had open arms for the outsiders seeking a fortune in their beautiful and exciting cosmopolitan land called USA.

That uncivilized style of mob violence on the Capitol, which, the new President Biden often mentioned as ‘uncivil war’, took everyone by surprise, possibly including former President Trump, who had been staunchly accused of inciting that attack, due to his failure to continue as the President for the next 4 years.
 The Capitol building and its inner accessories were damaged. Five persons were killed, including one brave police officer.

Former President Trump won the American Election in 2016 with the campaign slogan of ‘Make America Great  Again’. Awkwardly, looks like it is now President Biden’s mission to do that!

Friday, January 29, 2021

Why do the Hindus have animals as deities.


God created all living things of the world. And Hinduism, being  an ancient and mythological religion, also gives importance to the creation and the existence of animals. Hindus believe some animals are also sacred and some are more revered than others, and also believe that the animals were created by God (for Hindus, it is Brahma or Shiva) for a purpose, that is, to serve Him and the other Gods and Goddesses as well as humans. They also believe that the souls of their ancestors, or that of their demised good friends or of that of their family members could be reincarnated into these animals. Therefore, in reality, animals are not to be abused. But you will note that not every Hindu follows this! Animals like dogs, cats are ill-treated by some. Rats are killed for reasons known to us, of course! In this present world it is very difficult to find a really pious Hindu. Unfortunately, it also goes for the other religions.

The most common animals that we are familiar with, and which are deemed to be sacred are mentioned in the Indian religious scriptures, such as the Vedas. Those are the elephant, cow, peacock, monkey, dog, snake, tiger, lion, mouse, eagle and horse. Many more are revealed. To know all about those animals and their consortium and service to the Hindu Gods and Goddesses please go The Sacred Animals in Hinduism. You will notice that many of those animals were used as transportation vehicles for the Gods and Goddesses. Before the ‘Animal Rights' groups spring into action (wink!), note that those animals were under the bonds of affinity and blessings of the Gods and Goddesses, and being blessed by them, the animals were not the ordinary ones that we see today! Those creatures, as said before, were closely allied to the Almighties and had super strength and mystical powers, like enabling them to become huge or small, as the situation warrants, and they were only too eager to assist the Supreme beings. For example, there is the tale about the monkey God, Hanuman, becoming a huge giant to break up and carry a large part of a mountain to another place!

The supreme strength, mystical powers and their eagerness to protect their creators and the humans, had evolved in the passage of time, and many of those sacred animals were being looked upon as deities by most Hindus, for their pious service to the Gods and Goddesses and to humans,  So, there is no chance of any talk about animal abuse here! Maybe animal loyalty and enthusiasm, yes! My, what a complicated religion Hinduism is!

Monday, January 25, 2021

Trump, the final apprentice?

 There is an untold feeling like the whole world is heaving a great sigh of relief of Trump having left the office of the Presidency of USA, the reason being, many of his decisions have been very controversial and hurting to many nations. I am sure many of the posts in the blogs and the media would have covered that.

That aside, talking on a slightly different aspect, but quite relevant to the subject, the fact is, money really talks. See. It made the multi-billionaire Trump the most powerful man in the world - the President of America! Being fair to the man, it is very certain Trump made shrewd use of his money to achieve the thing that he so desired. He got power and fame. Fame and popularity, he already had, when his television reality show, The Apprentice was ardently followed by eager viewers, serial after serial, on most parts of the world, including my Malaysia. Ironically, his reality show phrase “You are fired”, used in The Apprentice, continued to be used in his real life as President and many of his staff were the victims. In a way, quite sadly, on January 20, 2021 it catapulted back to him.  

He, Donald John Trump, had been a man of determination all right - determination to win anything, by hook or crook and fought tooth and nail to get it. His life showed it. It seems to be not in his blood to go down tamely. Yes, he fought to the bitter end. The end of his Presidency.

I think many men and women will follow his in-built good traits – determination; that you will finally succeed if you really put your heart into it. And strength. And the capability to withstand and absorb the whiplash!

Monday, January 18, 2021

Birds and the bees

“Shanti, I am going to the beach,” the husband said,to watch the birds.”

Shanti, stared at him, for a minute, wondering whether they were the feathered ones, or the human kind.

We may put aside the feelings of Shanti, as such is the case, with the word ‘bird’, which is used liberally. It is used to indicate a situation one is in, or to express a certain exploit. 

Birds are, undeniably, exceptional creatures, and their flying aptitudes, and other distinctiveness give cause for ideas for proverbs, puns and phrases. Continue to read on and you will notice those.

Birds have been the inspiration behind the production of aeroplanes, helicopters, fighter jets, gliders, and even the space shuttles. The analytical and systemic studies of a bird to the very minute details - of its lift off, its flight, and its landing, in relation to the pull of the earth’s gravity - have enabled man to create his own machines that can fly in the air, and land on the ground, as well as, on water.

The reason that I am talking about birds is that, birds, being such marvelous and awe-inspiring creatures, we are taking them for granted. We demean them, by using them as example, as in the case of ‘the birds and the bees’to explain and, supposedly, enlighten our children about the expansion of population on earth! The amount of understanding by the children, in this matter, is doubtable. Many are the children, who so associate the birds with the population growth, that it is quite laughable, as in the case of a child, who told his friend that his village had less people, because, there were less birds! If one can, inconspicuously, listen to the children speaking after they had undergone a short ‘birds and the bees’ explanation, one will, certainly, obtain quite a bit of ammunition for laughter. Preferably, a more direct approach to express the reality of the human being’s multiplication process, is more apt and agreeable.

By using the ‘birds and the bees’ theory one may think that he or she has killed two birds with one stone; by enlightening the children of the human birth process, and at the same time, giving more knowledge on the 'birds and the bees' themselves. The matter of children getting educated more about the 'birds and the bees' is acceptable, but, the children’s perception of the former, and the main purpose is debatable. Small and young, though, they are, the children are not bird-brained. 

Taking a bird’s eye view of the situation, a child is quite intelligent enough to accept the explanations in plain, scientific terms. Just as, the early bird catches the worm, an early education on the human multiplication process, in plain, actual interpretation, will do a lot of good, to the grasping ability of a child. At a time, when the child is feeling as free as the bird, it will eagerly seize, and perceive anything that is thrown at it. The child will not have the perception that a bird in hand is worth two in the bush. It will always go for the extra. It will always search if it is worth more! More so, when they are amongst their own kind. Thrilled, and encouraged they will be, and gladly mingle around with their own groups, and crave for the chance of getting more knowledge of life. How so right is the saying 'birds of a feather flock together'. 

When such is the unavoidable situation, one who tries, insistently, to use the above said theory, will not succeed in his venture, and the theory in the end, will only go to the birds. I hope my point has hit its  target. A birdy, I hope so!

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Pros and cons of wearing a face mask - the secret is out!


Wearing a face mask is the first priority in helping to stop the uncontrollable dispersion of the covid- 19 virus.  Wearing a mask is not that simple and straight forward. There are some pros and some cons attached to it; some serious, and some laughable. Below are some of the pros and cons of wearing a face mask,according to my observation and experience.


Prevents covid-19 virus  loitering in the air from entering the body through nose and mouth.

Covers up any scars, warts and other skin marks on bottom half of face. One's feeling of shamefulness is thus avoided! 

Covers up the face without your macho moustache that was newly shaved off. And, thus, avoid being asked about it by your friends wherever you go!

Prevents your bad breath from reaching the other person when you are talking. Phew!

People cannot see all the red spots and bumps on your face during the occurrence of measles. Get well soon!

Hides your shyness and nervousness when you are facing or addressing a big group of people in a meeting. What an opportune time to get yourself trained up!

When you have a running nose the mask will soak up the water. Ha! Ha! Ha! Time to change onto another mask!


People cannot see your beautiful or macho face! What a waste of makeup or moustache styling!

Some lipstick always sticks on the mask. Also some black Artline ink, used as temporary dye on moustache (unfortunately, applies to me! ), sticks on the mask!  Another mask please!

Your specs always get blurred up by the vapour from the nose, as it is blocked by the mask from spreading out. Hold on a minute. Let me wipe clean my specs first!

Robbers are indistinguishable when they wear the face masks and dark glasses. One could be near you! Get help ready!

Some do feel uneasy and get the feeling of shortness in breath if worn the mask for long periods. Remove the mask, turn your face away from people near you, take a deep breath, and put the mask on. Don't forget to turn back to face the people near you!

When you smile seducingly at your girl/boy friend, she/he goes on, indifferently. Your smile can't be seen. Sob!

Do you have any other pros or cons? Please feel free to add in!

Friday, December 18, 2020

Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine first in the race!


In these times of Covid- 19 virus explosion and the devastating, unending deaths, some countries have started injecting vaccines onto their citizens, the earliest nations being UK and US. The American/German Company, Pfizer- BioNTech’s vaccine seemed to have received or earned their trust for now. Even though, in some way, the actions of these nations seem to have been done in desperation, to me this is the correct step and action, in view of the persistent and sorrowful departure of human lives. Yes, all the nations should not dilly-dally anymore. They should try to stop the deaths.

Anyway, to our deep felt solace and relief, the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is being used only after some positive test results and outcome which is said to include high efficient rate. The next company to be deeply involved in supplying a vaccine seems to the American company Moderna, with its mRNA vaccine. At the moment some other companies are also strongly contending to prevent this scourge of a disease from further spreading and causing deaths.  And, most importantly, these companies also yearn for the fame and the huge financial rewards that come with it! Big pots of gold! Among the front runners are Oxford-AstraZeneca (British-Swedish), Novavax (American-Swedish), Johnson & Johnson (American), Sinovac Biotech (Chinese), Gamaleya’s Sputnik V (Russian), CanSino Biologics (Chinese) and Sinopharm (Chinese). You can be sure many other nations and companies will throw forward their vaccines later!

Speaking of pots of gold, several other companies, of different sort, have already made and are making, and will continue to make them, the pots of gold! Yes, you guessed right; the companies producing the ppe products (especially, the producers of gloves and face masks should be laughing all the way to the bank, though it was not their own doing), swabs, hand sanitizers, body temperature scanners, red tapes (I mean the out-of-bound tapes!), record books pens, desks, injection needles and other medical equipments, etc, etc.

One can’t be surprised if, inwardly, these companies, unwillingly and, perhaps, unwittingly thank the Covid- 19 virus for their great fortune! Remember, after everything said and done, this is still a materialistic world! 

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Relaxation time - away from it all

What did one river said to another? “Long time no sea!” 
A mountain to another, “High there!” 
A piece of cloth to another, “See you sewn!” 
A wall poster to another, “Let’s stick around.” 
A buffalo to another, “Meat you someday.” 
A wall to another, “Meet you at the corner.”  
What is common between: 
1. Dogs and trees  - they produce barks 
2. A gardener and swordsman  - they fence well. 
3. Shoes and men  - they have souls (soles). 
4. A car and a deer - they have horns 5. A lawyer and footman - they bring up your case. 
6. An author and a liar - they make stories. 
7. Fish and balance - they have scales. 
8. A typist and postman - they handle letters. 
9. Children and lamps - they brighten up your life. 
10. Knife and words - they can hurt. 
11. Batteries and kings - they have power. 
12. Judges and teachers - they give sentences. 
13. Nervous system and cars - when they break down you are in trouble. 
14. A ship and a football team - they have captains. 
15. A painter and thief - you can catch them red-handed.  
Their languages 
Optician: Now, look here… 
Undertaker: Good grief…. 
Oil digger: Well, well… 
Teacher: You know something… 
Cobbler: My foot! 
Publisher: So long… 
Weather forecaster: Good morning… 
Ear specialist: Did you hear about… 
Tailor: Try this for size! 
Timekeeper: Just a minute… 
Their jobs 
Chauffeur: drives you mad. 
Barber: trims your pride. 
Cook: boils with rage. 
Housekeeper: sweeps you off your feet. 
Fisherman: up to something fishy. 
Teacher: will teach you a lesson. 
Butler: puts you in your place. 
Milkman: milks away your money. 
Footballer: goes for kicks 
Well digger: has a boring job.

Okay then. Hope your mind is lightened. Your soul, enlightened! Or vice versa! Have a good day!

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Aliens in the world!


Everyone knows when seen from outer space the world is round and there are human beings on it. We call the human beings, who are us, the people of the world. Yes, it belongs to every one of us because we are the people of the world, right? Wrong! There is a huge group of human beings who cannot call themselves ‘people’ of the world because they do not have a place in it. Do you know whom I am talking about? Yes, I am talking about the Rohingya populace. If you got it right the first time then my congratulations to you!

The Rohingya masses do not have a permanent land anywhere in this world, a place where they can settle down and call home. Once upon a time, they thought the Rakhine state in Myanmar, where they had been living for decades, was their home. But not anymore. In the year 1982, the Myanmar government outlawed them, saying that they were not citizens of Myanmar and that they had been staying illegally, all the while. They had said and are still saying that Bangladesh has the full rights on them as they had emigrated from that region originally, and that they were Muslims, the official religion of Bangladesh. They asserted that the mostly Muslim Rohingya populace have got no rights to be the citizens of the predominantly Buddhist Myanmar. 

The Myanmar military has been forcing them to leave for Bangladesh for several years now. It is still going on. However, Bangladesh does not recognize and accept them as its own. Even the several thousands of Rohingya community that Bangladesh took in under refugee-status have been forced to be transported to some remote islands, the latest being Bhasan Char, in Bay of Bengal. To Bangladesh, the Rohingya do not belong to the mainland as they are the people of Myanmar.

So this is the complicating issue; Bangladesh says the Rohingya are not its citizens.  Myanmar also says likewise. Other countries are also not welcoming them with open arms. And they can’t wait to see their backs of. Even the British, once the colonial rulers of Myanmar, then called Burma, seem to have washed their hands off them. Who are the Rohingya then, without any part of the world to call their own? Aliens in human forms? That the world looks upon suspiciously?

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Could President Trump have really won the US presidential election?


President Trump has still not admitted he lost the election to Biden even though the courts and other election authorities proclaimed that there has been no foul play.

Knowing Trump’s adamancy, even if after Biden has taken over the Presidential office, Trump will continue to say that he won the election and that they had made it to look like Biden won. Unfortunately, this is going to put the US in bad light to the world in later times”.

Also, I had seen one of his press conferences, after the election results, in an American TV Channel allowed in Malaysia. He was putting forward his arguments regarding the outcome of the election and why he was saying that he was the one who won.

And he did have a point! He sarcastically said that ‘super’ machineries were involved in counting the ballots and  machineries could be set up to say Trump votes as Biden votes! Wow! Could it be done? Well, we know that in the electronic and machinery world anything is possible. We have seen money being scooped off, computers being hacked and important information being compromised, and so on.

As to the postal voting he alleged that a person could have received more than one absentee ballot to vote, even four or five! This is because postal votes seemed to have supported Biden! He said he had been against postal votes from the beginning. 

There you are. My, there is also some logic in there. I am also being swayed! Swayed, that's all.

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