I can’t help thinking about the good old days, when, the newspapers were full of other stories, rather than crime. Girls can walk alone, without any worries. No bag snatching, no chain pulling, no kidnapping.
Now, even the man has to look over his shoulders, constantly, to feel safe. Why? What has gone wrong? Is it the fault of the police? No! Definitely not! It is the parents!
The police, only come at a latter part of a person’s life. Children should have had a moral upbringing, since young. Parents should have been stern, but understanding. It does not mean, punishing them for every mistake they make, but asking themselves, that is, their own selves, why they did it. Understanding them at their age, and acting, accordingly, is important. When a child is being disciplined in school, do not make police-reports, and create a feeling of animosity, between pupils and teachers. Children can only be brought to our way, when we start off with them, at a tender age, telling them what’s right, and what’s wrong, instilling in them a sense of pride, if they had done something remarkable or right, but disciplining them, correctly, there and then, when they go out of line.
It will be quite difficult, and impossible, to control a person into our way of thinking, when he is older, and has a feeling of being having matured. There is an old Indian saying, “What can’t bend at five, won’t bend at fifty”.
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