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Sunday, April 19, 2009

Coffee Break 3 - relax

“I swear not to swear again,” sweared the boy to his mother.

“Do you love me?” the girl asked her boyfriend.
“Yes, and I love mee hoon, too,” he replied.

“I will commit suicide, after the wrestling match on TV,” decided the wrestling crazed chap who found life miserable.

“Doctor,” said the man, “I am getting more and more worried by the day, people say I have no heart!”

There are people who fall in love at first sight, marry and divorce on second sight!

Optican: Can you see that tree, over there?
Man : Well, as far as I can see, that’s as far as I can see.

“My brother,” boasted the cowboy to another, “can draw faster than any other bloke.”
“Yeah,” drawled the other one, “ I can see his paintings all over the town.”

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