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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Changing the Malaysian government

OK, we vote in the opposition party in to form the government with a very big majority. What, then? Will the new administration, finally, put an end, or at least, lessen the following complaints and grievances?

1) Treat all Malaysians as equals. Term all Malaysians born in Malaysia as Bumiputras (sons of the soil).

2) Ensure the quota systems of the Malaysians of various races being followed in all the employment sectors, government or otherwise (private businesses) including the military.

3) Eradicate corruption, both in the government and the private sectors.

4) Ensure the top posts in the government and private sectors including the military go to the persons able and qualified, disregarding race.

5) Implement a fair and just education system so that the endless frustration felt by the vast majority of the Malaysians just fades away.

6) If they cannot make the poor people rich at least don’t make them poorer by increasing and adding in new taxes and tolls.

7) Don’t segregate the races by building housing estates with houses separate for each community. (The people are tolerant by nature. Do not poison their minds)

8) Really bring down crimes, not beating the breast for the few percent achieved.

9) Make our land a clean Malaysia. No necessity to pinch noses and grimace when entering a washroom anywhere, any time.

10) Let everyone freely practice their religion without any propagation and hindrance.

Can the opposition address the above state of affairs? Think c
arefully. And then vote!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Egypt - the side I didn't know, sob!

After 18 days of street protests by the people of Egypt, and about 300 deaths, on 11 February 2011, the president of Egypt, Hosni Mubarak, relinquishes his post. On hearing the announcement the people of Egypt scream in joy, jump about in ecstasy, cry out in happiness, wave the Egyptian flag frantically, kneel on the ground and express gratitude to the God Almighty, and generally have a generous feeling of relief, excitement and anticipation!

Why? Have I missed something? Have sinister and nasty events been happening all this while in Egypt, that I have not read in the papers, and also missed seeing in the visual media? Have the Egyptian people being suffering that much? To such an extent, that some were even moved to shave off their head, and offer the hair to the heavens above, as a sign of gratefulness? These are the questions that nudge in my mind ever since the over throw of President Mubarak by people power.

To me, the local and international media have not sufficiently, if not at all, portrayed the Egyptian people as suffering greatly under Mubarak’s rule. Only now, I see the word ‘dictator’ being mentioned everywhere regarding the president.

My mind has always been tuned up to think about Mubarak as a strong ally of USA in the Middle East, a great dignitary who is flexible in regards to relationship with Israel and a man well respected by his people.

Oh, how could I be so wrong!

Friday, February 11, 2011

A poet is born!

You write something about nature
Or your feelings
Or about anything at all.
You are clever with words
But not very clever
With grammar.
You struggle with long sentences
So you write
Breaking down the sentences
Into separate lines.
And voila!
It looks like
A poem!
And you!
A poet!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Smile, please!

I read in a Malaysian daily this information about a female politician;
to keep up her strength and maintain her health, she takes raw honey and dates every day.

I wonder whom she dates.

I believe in the Theory of Evolution. Humans evolved from apes. That God created. (Ha! ha! Actually, I am a ‘God created all things’ man).

If I wanted it to rain, I would just go and wash my car.

In the house, when I want an item and couldn’t find it, I won’t waste time searching for it. It will surely crop up later when I am looking for some other thing!

So, this is the year of the rabbit...eh? And they are saying all nice things of Mr. Rabbit. Like he is cute, cheeky and so on.

Don’t be too happy, Mr. Rabbit! Tomorrow they will say more things of you. Like you were tasty, delicious and so on!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Tenang now

The Tenang bi-election is just around the corner, on 30th January, to be exact. It is, in my opinion, somewhat difficult for the PAS candidate to win the Tenang seat.

The Tenang parliamentary seat in the state of Johor has about 40% of Chinese voters, and these Malaysian Chinese are quite weary of the frequent assertion from the opposition political of PAS, of turning Malaysia into an Islamic nation. The choice of the candidate, Normala, a teacher by profession, makes it more difficult. Normala seems to be very strongly attached to Islam. So strong, that she refuses to shake hands with males. It is a wonder how she is going to campaign with such a dilemma. Furthermore, a large number of Chinese could see this – the handshake refusal – as an indicator of an attempt to Islamize of the area by PAS.

If against all these odds Normala did win the bi-election, it will be very interesting to watch how she handles the on rush of people trying to congratulate her by shaking her hands!

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