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Monday, August 2, 2010

School bus drivers - A word of encouragement

Pity the taxi and school bus drivers of Malaysia. An earlier report of sexual molestation by a taxi driver and the more recent news of a student being molested by a driver of a van ferrying school children have put them in bad light with the public. The minute a parent knew about the matter, he or she would have surely, on instinct, started to wonder about the temperament of the driver who transports his or her child to and from school. Character analysis would have been made. Discussions would have made with fellow users of the school-transport vehicles about the disposition of the drivers. What an embarrassing situation for an honourable driver to be in!

To all those honest drivers this is what I want to say. “Please don’t be discouraged by the recent reports of the abuses. Your services are badly needed. Please continue providing your services diligently. And more importantly, keep on the lookout for drivers with suspicious behavior patterns and report immediately to the authorities.”

My! I have just posted this blog, and here comes out another report of molestation! A five year old girl has been abused by a school van driver in Cheras of Selangor State. It was suspected to have happened on Saturday, 31st July 2010. This comes on the heels of the incident involving a ten year old girl on the 26th. Barely one week! Lessons have not been learnt. The only new lesson that we can give these two legged animals is how to tie a rope around their necks!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Monsters on the prowl


‘Ampang Monsters’ was the front page heading of The Star recently. The ‘monsters’ it was referring to were the two legged ones amidst us, who prey upon teenage students, and mislead them into believing that they are being helped, only to end up being molested, sexually. It just happened that the latest deplorable incident occurred in the Ampang district of Selangor.

Nowadays, the number of these ‘animals’ is found to be on the rise in Malaysia, endangering our young ones. The police and other enforcement authorities should not allow these,, atrociously, physical abuses to continue. More serious attention and actions in completely eradicating such monstrous acts should be unleashed now.

We were made to believe that the police have special undercover agents in their setup, to track down criminals. It is hoped they encompass a department or unit specializing in uncovering potential criminals, if they don’t have one already. Looking at the spate of the disgusting crimes occurring so frequently now, it makes one to conclude that they don’t have one.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Save the world!

Carbon footprint. For the rich, this means nothing to them. They may think that this is a new technology, used by the police to track down criminals, when the finger prints don’t help. Oh! You are rich? I am sorry! I mean the rich, who don’t bother what is going on the environmental world! (Phew! That was close!)

Well, who can blame them, when utility bills mean nothing to them, when they got loads of money? To them the bills are just procedural papers which their servants attend to, to get the utilities in their mansions going on smoothly. So unlike us, they won’t bother switch off their electrical providers of comfort, or turn off their water gadgets when they are not in use.

For us, it will be, “John, how many times must I tell you to switch off the light when you are going out?” Or, “Hey, you! Have you turned off the tap properly?” And “Aw, come on! It’s not so hot now. Switch off the air cond, will ya?”

Not that we are deeply conscious of the effect on the environment, or for that matter, are being seriously serious about the ozone layer depreciation. Ya, you got it! We just do not want to spend too much on our utility bills, for reasons which you and I know!

Well, it is time for everyone, be they be poor or rich, to take notice of the deterioration of the world’s atmosphere that we depend on, and the causes leading to it.

A little bit of info on the Carbon Footprint – It is the measure of the effect our daily activities have on the atmosphere. for example, our usage of electricity; it is made possible by the burning of fuels that release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, which will then have a negative effect on the ozone layer. Ozone layer is important in that it prevents the ultra violet light-rays, called as UV-B radiation, from the sun to reach the earth and harm both plant and animal life.

Right! Let's save the world! Let's begin now! Let us go to www.carbonfootprint.com first!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

To veil or unveil

To veil or unveil? 

This is the undesired, awkward and challenging question going on in the minds of many Muslim women in several parts of Europe. This follows the political support that France garnered recently, for the law banning the wearing of the full-face veils (niqab) by the Muslim women of France. It seems that the wearing of the veils have also been seriously questioned at one time or another in the nations of Belgium, Spain, Italy, Britain, Turkey, Switzerland, Russia, Germany, Netherlands, Denmark and Austria. Additionally, there has been news that full-face veils had already been banned in some places in these nations. Reasons, like oppressing women, female inequality, obstacle in unifying the nation and the feared security threat has been given.

I am reluctant to debate the issue strongly here, less I hurt my Muslim friends. I, for one think that the situation in the ancient times and now is different. In those times, women seldom moved out of their community sphere and more or less were confined to their abodes. The men ventured out to get the bread on the table for the family and for other national commitments. As such, the reasons put forward by the anti-niqab proponents were not noticed in those olden times. 

Nowadays, Muslim women are out in the open, in urban areas, sharing the burden of getting an income for a decent living, and meet up with people of other religions and cultures. Things become uncomfortable and uneasy for the persons who had to deal with the women with the full-face veils. Being the ever social, human beings they are, or in the line of official duty, they may want to know to whom they are talking to, as women wearing the niqab all look the same. And there is the main predicament. 

I hope and I am sure all of you do also, that this issue will be ironed out amicably, with some give and take on both parties, without hurting each other too much so that we all can live on this earth harmoniously.

Sunday, July 18, 2010


Friday, July 16, 2010

You pay, you don't see!

I don’t know about other countries but in Malaysia even the cost of going to the lavatory has spiraled up. In the seventies we in our modest terrace house used to pay RM5.00 only per year to the Taiping Town Council or more suitably, the Majlis Bandaran Taiping. In the eighties it became RM8.00 and in the nineties it had risen up to RM20.00. I have the receipts to prove it. Now in the twenties we have to pay a whopping RM96.00! Yes, it has not doubled or tripled, but quadrupled!

We are already paying a yearly payment of RM202.00 for Assessment and another RM44.00 for another tax known as Quit Rent. These latter taxes are not so very painful as at least we can see them as assets. But to pay RM96 for something that you can’t see is quite upsetting, not that we want to see it! Ha! Ha!

Or, maybe the sanitary people really want us to pay more not to see it. If we want to see it then it is free! Ha! Ha!

Jokes aside, we really feel that paying almost a hundred ringgit a year is too high as we are already paying a sizeable amount of money for the water used to clear up the wastes. Perhaps the government can generously reduce it to half the amount. Ok, the government can say it can’t do anything as the department is privatized. Then, please unprivatize. Remember that before the department was privatized it was cheap. Also remember the slogan ‘people first’?

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