England went out of the world cup without a fight. However, Coach Fabio Capello seemed to have been let of the hook without much of a whimper. Even the FA has retained him in some other capacity. It is worth managing England…eh?
With this situation of calm response towards Fabio’s failure, just imagine what would have happened if England had won the world cup! These are the few scenarios we could imagine:
1.One tabloid would have screamed “Fabulous Capello!” Or “Fab Cap!” Anything that would make the English fans add this paper to their souvenir collection, to read them again and again. And why not? They had waited 44 years for this!
2. Another would have boasted, “The three-lions have roared!” and for good measure, knowing the exaggeration capabilities of the English papers, it would have added “And what a roar it was!”
3. Rooney would have been acclaimed as the “England’s Vein Rooney!” Or, as the “New Maradona, minus the hand of God!” Or something to that effect, as he would have surely scored goals for England.
4. Fabio Capello would have been tossed high up in the air, so high that one would have wondered whether he had come down at all! Ha! Ha! Ha! That’s exaggeration for you!
.5. A long list of Knighthoods would have been prepared, with people already practicing saying “Sir Fabio Capello”. (Fabio Capello would be a British citizen by now!), “Sir Frank Lampard”, “Sir Steven Gerrard”, “Sir David James”…..you go on, do some practicing of your own! For a start pick about 30 persons of your own! 44 years, remember?
Of course I did not disclose the display of passions at home, on the streets, by the English populace. It frightens me even to imagine!
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