“Didn’t I tell you not to drink whisky with the money that I gave you?” scolded the man, on meeting the beggar who had just staggered out from the liquor shop.
“No, sir, it was brandy!” said the drunken beggar.
The above joke seems to nicely denote the true characteristics of the politicians in Malaysia, today. It’s not that they are alcohol consumers. Any way, we don't expect the man and the beggar to converse in fluent English in Malaysia. Their conversation would have most likely gone like this, with Malaysian ingredients:
“No, sir, it was brandy!” said the drunken beggar.
The above joke seems to nicely denote the true characteristics of the politicians in Malaysia, today. It’s not that they are alcohol consumers. Any way, we don't expect the man and the beggar to converse in fluent English in Malaysia. Their conversation would have most likely gone like this, with Malaysian ingredients:
Man: Tadi saya kasi awak dua ringgit, awak sudah pigi minum samsu ka? Saya panggil awak tausa minum samsu lagi!
Beggar: Tara incik, itu bukan samsu la. Itu tuak!
The point is that they, the politicians, didn’t really change, as we had foolishly hoped, and made to hope. People threw in their votes for them, believing that these politicians were, sincerely, willing to change for the better. But events lately, have shown to be otherwise; they are back to their very best, in their familiar territory. Trying to illegalize NGO’s, the dress code arguments, bus fare hikes, party hopping and mud slinging are just a few of the issues that had been on the news medias, before the general elections, and yet now.
Looking at the antics of the opposition parties, these past two years, it is very clear that we won’t be having an able government to replace the present one. Or, will we? The answer seems to be big NO! I would be pleased if anyone can say differently.
It seems that we’ve got to put up with the present administration and hope for the best. I sincerely hope that the discriminations, discrepancies, divulgences and the dictatorial tendencies will be gradually diminished under the current people in power. In my opinion, the Prime Minister is doing quite okay. His KPI(Key Performance Indicator - initiated by his government) looks encouraging. I don’t have statistics and figures to prove that. Only his actions and reactions are my guidance, the contemporary medias, are my source. I, however, can’t say much about the politicians on his parole. Only time can tell. They always tend to say one thing today, and another thing the next day, in tandem to the surroundings and the situations.
We have millions of youths amongst us. I hope our beloved nation will produce men of substance, administrative efficiency, not to mention the ever desired and highly valued trait - principle.
Looking at the antics of the opposition parties, these past two years, it is very clear that we won’t be having an able government to replace the present one. Or, will we? The answer seems to be big NO! I would be pleased if anyone can say differently.
It seems that we’ve got to put up with the present administration and hope for the best. I sincerely hope that the discriminations, discrepancies, divulgences and the dictatorial tendencies will be gradually diminished under the current people in power. In my opinion, the Prime Minister is doing quite okay. His KPI(Key Performance Indicator - initiated by his government) looks encouraging. I don’t have statistics and figures to prove that. Only his actions and reactions are my guidance, the contemporary medias, are my source. I, however, can’t say much about the politicians on his parole. Only time can tell. They always tend to say one thing today, and another thing the next day, in tandem to the surroundings and the situations.
We have millions of youths amongst us. I hope our beloved nation will produce men of substance, administrative efficiency, not to mention the ever desired and highly valued trait - principle.
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