Nurul Izzah, 30, is the Member of Parliament for the district of Lembah Pantai, Kuala Lumpur. She represents the opposition party, PKR.
Her comment is aimed, especially, as a challenge for a debate or factual argument with the newly formed Malay watch group, Perkasa, which declares itself as an NGO (Non-governmental Organization).
Perkasa, whose members are mostly from the Malay Party of UMNO, the main Party from the ruling coalition, BN, is claiming to safeguard Malay rights in a multi racial Malaysia. It iterates that special rights of the Malays are provided in the Malaysian Constitution in Article 153. Nurul Izzah’s contention is that nowhere in the Constitution is ‘Malay rights’ is stated. What is mentioned is the ‘Special Position’ of the Malays. And she states that Perkasa is misinterpreting the Special Position to an agenda linking Malay rights.
Nurul Izzah, wittingly, concludes her comment in the media by her final question to Perkasa, whether, it will let the nation remain as Malaysia or change it to Malaysaja which, when translated into English, insinuates Malays only.
Well, Nurul Izzah has certainly talked herself into the bad books of many politicians. Already, cries for her to be charged under Sedition Act have been heard. Police have also taken statements from her.
Amidst all these, she just remains calm, just waiting for justice to take its course. Nurul Izzah Anwar is one gutsy lady, indeed.