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Sunday, January 1, 2012

Another type of Transformer

Papers tell of people


Trash into Treasure

Waste into Wealth.

Oh, how I would like to


Rubbish into Rubies

Junks into Gems

Garbage into Gold

Scraps into Sapphires

Debris into Diamonds

Filth into Fortune

Peanuts into Pearls

Rejects into Riches!

And lo!

Would I be the world’s

Richest Recycler!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Malaysian Salary Increase - the actual situation

So the government is further increasing the salaries of its workers. Today’s (December 8, 2011) news in a Malaysian daily mentioned that Public Service director-general Tan Sri Abu Bakar Abdullah had said that 7% to 13% increment will be given to the civil service workers, also termed as government servants, from January 1 next year.

To me, there will be a ‘win-win-lose’ situation, taking the Major three races into account. Of the three major races in Malaysia, Malays being the mainstream of the population and being the concrete majority in the civil service, they will be greatly pleased. They will have extra money to spend. It will be a win situation for them.

The Chinese, who are the main business people in Malaysia to whose business premises the Malays will surely make a bee line for, will be rubbing their hands in glee; the money will gradually be filling their pockets and they will be laughing all their way to the banks. So it will also be a win situation for them.

The Indians, who make about less than 10% of citizens of Malaysia, do not have a really mentionable number, either in the civil service or in business segment. They are mostly employed in private factories and oil palm estates. These are the people who will lose out as others will have more money to spend, demands will rise and price of goods will undoubtedly increase. The income of the Indians will remain stagnant, as the private sector employers will rarely increase their employee’s wages. So at the end, the Indians will be at the losing end, thus making the situation a win-win-lose one.

How nice if the government can do something that will make it a win-win-win situation for all. My votes for you if you can do that!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Just For Fun

Man’s best friend is becoming man’s best dish. 

 Great words unspoken. Chicken: We serve mankind. In various ways. 

 No place in the cemetery? What a grave situation. 

 Man just arriving at funeral. Good mourning! 

 What a swinging time Tarzan is having! 

 Blacksmiths are great opportunists. They strike while the iron is hot. 

 Fishermen, they are always up to something fishy.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

American complacency

The Americans used to champion democracy in other, somewhat, unfriendly nations, which included the freedom for the people to express themselves, by holding huge gatherings and protest marches. But they were either reserved or grudgingly supported the recent rallies and chaotic demonstrations that happened in ‘friendly’ countries like Egypt, Tunisia, Bahrain and Yemen. They, explicitly, approved the protests in non-friendly countries such as Iran and Libya.

They thought such nonsense would not happen in their country, the great United States of America. Their nation would be always the leading example of full democratic rule, which the citizens understood well.

But alas! That was not to be! On Thursday, November 17, 2011, hundreds, if not thousands, of people gathered at the New York Stock Exchange, and the streets and subways of other cities to protest the bad economic situation and systems in the country. They called it Occupy Wall Street protests.

Wonder whether that was just a beginning. Hopefully, nothing follows.

No, I am not belittling the Americans. Just pointing out the turn of events. In this world of ours, nothing is certain anymore.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Malaysians to blame

It is clear now with the S.E.A. Games. The Indonesians don’t like Malaysians. This is only sports but Indonesians seem to take this opportunity to show their displeasure of the Malaysians, by booing at our delegates, officers and participants and even, to the anguish of many, showing disrespect to Malaysian national anthem and flag.

This is all Malaysians’ doing. They treated the female citizens of Indonesia who had come to work as maids for the households of Malaysia with disrespect. Words do go back to their country. So this is what they are getting in return.

The Indonesian maids had been approved by the Malaysian Government to work only as maids in houses but I saw many of them forced by their employers to also work in their restaurants. I had also seen one maid climbing up a ladder to clean up the ceiling fan, coolly watched by her female employer, poor gal! I mean the Indonesian maid!  I had seen another one washing the car!

I haven’t, personally, seen them being abused physically, but it rages me inside to read in the papers of these poor maids being beaten and treated badly by their uncivilized employers. When, I, as a Malaysian can feel such anger do we have to tell about the Indonesians!

It is still not too late yet to change. Show that we Malaysians are caring people. Treat the maids as part of our family. Buy them presents. Joke and laugh with them. Give them proper rest. Take them to places where you would want your family to go, not to give them work but just to make them enjoy the tour.

As I had said, words do get around. Do the good deeds and see their reaction at the next sports event in Indonesia when Malaysians take part. They are also humans, with feelings.

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