Saturday, December 30, 2023
Tuesday, December 26, 2023
Change of Helm - USA

No, Mr. President, no, sir! I wish you would not stand for the election next year. You may not win again another term. That is another reason you are a "dead man walking." Your term of president is nearing the end. You won in the 2020 election because people already saw you as very old but wanted to give it a go for four years. I don't think they want to give you another four more years and suffer the temptation to speculate about your good health daily. Even my nation's former prime minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir looks younger than you, and he is 95! You are 81. How unfair and unfortunate!
Sir, please take a much needed rest. Give someone younger in your Democratic Party to contest the 2024 election. Names like Marianne Williamson (71 years) and Dean Phillips (54 years) have been mentioned. Another exciting name that had been uttered was Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (69 years), son of deceased senator and former presidential - hopeful, Robert F. Kennedy and, most importantly, the nephew of the actual president, the great John F. Kennedy, the 35th president of U S A (1961 - 1963). Yes, you got it right!. I am rooting for Robert F Kennedy Jr. Not that my rooting is going to bring chaos and turn tables in the USA. He he he! First of all, we have to see if Robert F. Kennedy Jr. really stands for election.
So, Mr. President sir, give it a thought. I know you are wise for your age and have done well. But people care about you and the nation as well.
It is for you to decide, finally.
Tuesday, December 19, 2023
Malaysian way of life
Monday, December 18, 2023
What a relief!
The great Mahathma Gandhi advocated protests of non-violence. He was against revengeful actions of violent nature. "An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind," he said. What Israel is doing now is not 'an eye for an eye', but ten eyes for an eye! About 1200 Israelis had died when Hames first incursed into Israel. But in return, Israel is responsible for the deaths of over 17000 Palestinians, so far! So tragically unfair!
Won't a reasonably long-lasting peace ever be achieved in these areas of the Middle East? What Nobel Peace Prize laureates of yesteryears, Anwar Sadat, Menachem Begin, Yasser Arafat, Yitzhak Rabin, and Shimon Pères had so toiled for seems to be in name only now; all gone to waste. How sad and disappointing!
Speaking of the Nobel Peace Prize, is it not appropriate to give it to Qatar, which, to everyone's relief, stepped forward and made it possible to achieve at least a ceasefire in those agonizing times in Gaza, when humans were being killed and maimed, mercilessly!
Friday, December 15, 2023
So, the climate conference, Conference of the Parties (COP28) was just over. A huge convention of leaders and representatives of 198 nations was held from November 30, 2023 to December 12, 2023 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, to discuss the prevention of disastrous climate changes, global warmth, in particular. What a time to have this COP28! I rather wish they had conveniently changed the COP28 to something like COPEIHW (Conference of the Parties on Ending the Israel-Hamas War)! Ha ha! The latter is my own!
Well, at the end of the two weeks' conference, it was said that there had been a breakthrough and that a deal had been struck. An agreement had been reached by all the nations to gradually stop using fossil fuels, completely, and to start using non-gaseous and non-polluting energy materials or resources - a transition away from fossil fuels', they called it. I don't understand why it was said as a 'breakthrough'. All the nations know fossil fuels won't last forever, and there are already nations experimenting with alternative energy resources. So far, it has already been well known that energy for daily use for every type of requirement can be manufactured through wind, water, and solar, except that there are some difficult financial outlooks to it. Anyway, there are already electric vehicles like cars and trains. Houses are already using solar energy. Some breakthrough it is!
As. I had already hinted earlier, the Israel-Hamas war was also going on in the neighbourhood during their COP28. The participants would have seen on TVs, of missiles, bombs, and whatever exploding, emitting tons and tons of smoke and dust, going up above to the sky, to deteriorate the climate further. Oh, oK, I know you can't weigh smoke, but at least you get the idea, right!
Now, If they had struck a deal and agreed to do away with missiles, mortars, rockets and bombs in wars, then I would call that a breakthrough. More than a breakthrough! Is it not? How beautiful the world would then be!
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