Saturday, December 30, 2023
Tuesday, December 26, 2023
Change of Helm - USA

No, Mr. President, no, sir! I wish you would not stand for the election next year. You may not win again another term. That is another reason you are a "dead man walking." Your term of president is nearing the end. You won in the 2020 election because people already saw you as very old but wanted to give it a go for four years. I don't think they want to give you another four more years and suffer the temptation to speculate about your good health daily. Even my nation's former prime minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir looks younger than you, and he is 95! You are 81. How unfair and unfortunate!
Sir, please take a much needed rest. Give someone younger in your Democratic Party to contest the 2024 election. Names like Marianne Williamson (71 years) and Dean Phillips (54 years) have been mentioned. Another exciting name that had been uttered was Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (69 years), son of deceased senator and former presidential - hopeful, Robert F. Kennedy and, most importantly, the nephew of the actual president, the great John F. Kennedy, the 35th president of U S A (1961 - 1963). Yes, you got it right!. I am rooting for Robert F Kennedy Jr. Not that my rooting is going to bring chaos and turn tables in the USA. He he he! First of all, we have to see if Robert F. Kennedy Jr. really stands for election.
So, Mr. President sir, give it a thought. I know you are wise for your age and have done well. But people care about you and the nation as well.
It is for you to decide, finally.
Tuesday, December 19, 2023
Malaysian way of life
Monday, December 18, 2023
What a relief!
The great Mahathma Gandhi advocated protests of non-violence. He was against revengeful actions of violent nature. "An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind," he said. What Israel is doing now is not 'an eye for an eye', but ten eyes for an eye! About 1200 Israelis had died when Hames first incursed into Israel. But in return, Israel is responsible for the deaths of over 17000 Palestinians, so far! So tragically unfair!
Won't a reasonably long-lasting peace ever be achieved in these areas of the Middle East? What Nobel Peace Prize laureates of yesteryears, Anwar Sadat, Menachem Begin, Yasser Arafat, Yitzhak Rabin, and Shimon Pères had so toiled for seems to be in name only now; all gone to waste. How sad and disappointing!
Speaking of the Nobel Peace Prize, is it not appropriate to give it to Qatar, which, to everyone's relief, stepped forward and made it possible to achieve at least a ceasefire in those agonizing times in Gaza, when humans were being killed and maimed, mercilessly!
Friday, December 15, 2023
So, the climate conference, Conference of the Parties (COP28) was just over. A huge convention of leaders and representatives of 198 nations was held from November 30, 2023 to December 12, 2023 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, to discuss the prevention of disastrous climate changes, global warmth, in particular. What a time to have this COP28! I rather wish they had conveniently changed the COP28 to something like COPEIHW (Conference of the Parties on Ending the Israel-Hamas War)! Ha ha! The latter is my own!
Well, at the end of the two weeks' conference, it was said that there had been a breakthrough and that a deal had been struck. An agreement had been reached by all the nations to gradually stop using fossil fuels, completely, and to start using non-gaseous and non-polluting energy materials or resources - a transition away from fossil fuels', they called it. I don't understand why it was said as a 'breakthrough'. All the nations know fossil fuels won't last forever, and there are already nations experimenting with alternative energy resources. So far, it has already been well known that energy for daily use for every type of requirement can be manufactured through wind, water, and solar, except that there are some difficult financial outlooks to it. Anyway, there are already electric vehicles like cars and trains. Houses are already using solar energy. Some breakthrough it is!
As. I had already hinted earlier, the Israel-Hamas war was also going on in the neighbourhood during their COP28. The participants would have seen on TVs, of missiles, bombs, and whatever exploding, emitting tons and tons of smoke and dust, going up above to the sky, to deteriorate the climate further. Oh, oK, I know you can't weigh smoke, but at least you get the idea, right!
Now, If they had struck a deal and agreed to do away with missiles, mortars, rockets and bombs in wars, then I would call that a breakthrough. More than a breakthrough! Is it not? How beautiful the world would then be!
Wednesday, November 22, 2023
Spare the hostages and prisoners.
In wretched wars gone by, we had mostly heard of 'prisoners of war', where warring nations got hold of the soldiers who were captured alive and put them in detention camps.And after the wars, we had seen or heard prisoners of wars of both factions being exchanged, or released, after all sorts of diplomatic or political manoeuvres. But in this accursed war between Israel and Hamas, we are seeing innocent men and women, civilians being dragged and taken away forcibly at gunpoint and kept as bargaining powers, or to say plainly, for blackmailing purposes. What a sickening, deploring thing this is..They should fight their damned wars but not stoop to the disgusting level of holding innocent people at their mercies. Doesn't the Geneva Convention of 1949 establish that it is a war crime to take civilians as hostages or prisoners?
It is said that Hamas is holding about 240 civilians as hostages. Israel, after the Hamas attack on 7th October, is said to have, immediately, 'arrested' about 4000 Palestinians, many of them labourers, and put them in detention camps or prisons
Now, at the time of this writing, I hear that Qatar, with the presence of Egypt and the United States, had obtained a hard-fought agreement for a ceasefire of 4 days and an exchange of captives; 50 hostages held by Hamas for 150 Palestinian prisoners held by the Israelis. See how they play with the lives of innocent people!
Wars are cruel and often follow no set rules, but please do not stoop to this dirty level of taking hostages or imprisoning of people not even involved in any disputes. I hope the great almighty organisation,'YOU KNIGHTED NATIONS', will show its armour and prevent such lowly occurrences. Well, what I meant was the United Nations should be more forceful and see that war-rules on hostages and prisoners are adhered to. I hope all the hostages and all the people in the detention camps or prisons are released promptly. May God bless them and their families with mercy and kindness.
Monday, November 6, 2023
Only when it happens to you....
Only when it happens to you will you feel the real pain. Until then, it will be, "Poor souls, they are suffering so much, they are so unlucky! No, it won't happen to us!"
The above conception and perception have been every human being's instinctual thought since time immemorial. So, when the cursed wars are going on in other corners of the world, with the humanity suffering the torturous consequences, we go on, here, in our own corner of the world, with our routine way of life; going to the movies, going to the stadiums to cheer our favourite teams, having parties, going to our favourite restaurants, gobbling up our favourite foods and drinks, having karaoke sessions; watching the tv dramas and comedies - all the routines, because, "No, it won't happen to us! Those poor souls, they are so unlucky!"
Yes, only when it happens to us will we feel the real pain, the agony, the physical and mental tortures, the heartaches, the untold anguish!
Strange creations we are. Are we not?
" Waiter, my usual, please!"
Friday, October 20, 2023
Australia in back lane.
If not for the dreaded wars that have agonizingly pulled in everyone's attention and concern, the following event in Australia would have hovered over the media, as headline news. What Australia has done recently is, in my opinion, wrong in these modern times.
On October 14, the Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, with some optimism, held a referendum on recognizing the constitution of the indigenious people of Australia, the natives who had been in Australia for more than 60,000 years; about 4% or 26 million of them now. Significantly, it was only in 1788 the ancestors of the present Australians settled in the land. They came as convicts exiled from the British Isles. Gradually, the British colonialised the land. In January 1901, the six British colonies united and became one Commonwealth of Australia with British approval, and later, in March 1986, Australia legally gained independence from Britain.
Of the people who took part in the referendum, most said 'no' to the indigenous people being acknowledged and validated properly, of their existence, in the constitution. What a disappointing reaction! Other countries are bending backwards to get their natives of the lands to come into the society, so that they, too, can be helped to experience the benefits that the citizens are getting. But in Australia, 'no'. The Australians feel that recognizing the natives into the constitution will later on bring all sorts of problems. Of course, the natives will demand equal rights and other benefits, and the government will have to look into them. The Australians are afraid that their well-being could be compromised in some way. But what is ironic is that the natives could enrol as voters and vote! Selfish and absurd, is it not? For a nation that calls itself well advanced!
My hats off to USA and UK, where the natives and other ethnic minority are recognized and can be elected to the highest post of the nation! Who can forget Barrack Obama and now Rishi Sunak. Then, there is Kamala Devi Harris, for good measure! How gracious and civilized the citizens of these nations are! Their nations are the real advanced ones - advanced in thinking and action, of matureness.
Who knows, Australia could be like them, someday, it too, being controlled by the white majority. I hope it is soon.
Thursday, October 12, 2023
Israel-Hamas war - another curse.
Wars after wars. Man, killing man. This seems to be the curse that fell on the world since it was created.
On top of witnessing the tragedies and havocs of the Russian-Ukraine war, which does not seem to end, our hearts and minds have been turned into more despair and agony to witness another brutal war, this time, without any forewarning - the war between Israel and Hamas of Gaza, in the middle-east. This time around, Hamas, the militant organisation in Gaza, is seen to be the starter of the war.
On 7th October, a religious holiday of the Jewish Sabbath, it is said that more than 3000 rockets were launched from Gaza into southern and central Israel. Coincidentally, hang-gliders, as well as motorized paragliders, motorbikes, and speedy four-wheeled vehicles, were their convenient transport armaments of attack. No barriers were made to obstruct them. Bulldozers had been readily brought in the forefront, to penetrate the defensive walls. More Hamas militants arrived on motorboats to the Israellian beaches to attack the beach goers and take many of them as hostages. All, planned in advance, meticulously planned!
Most of the Muslim countries seem to utter tones of support towards Hamas, somewhat indicating that the people of Palestine have been bullied by Israel for too long, and it is not surprising for the Hamas' fury. Israel's strong contention is that the land on which the Palestinians dwell is theirs, and they are doing everything to safeguard their security. The Palestinians vigorously disagree with these assertions.
USA is the strongest supporter of Israel, followed by almost all the European countries. This war has put some countries, especially the Muslim ones in a predicament, in an embarrassing position. They, being Muslim countries, are obliged to give support to the Hamas, and they are wary because they are also friendly with USA. Anything they may say or do in favour of Hamas may anger or displease the superpower USA. Uneasy situation, indeed. Well-known Muslim countries that are, in some way, friendly with USA are Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates. Hamas, too, has its own allies; Iran, Qatar, Lebanon, being the main ones.
Coming back to the dreaded war and also all the other wars, as well, how I wish wars followed the ancient system of warring, where innocent civilian deaths were very rare. where two intending-to-war nations will come to an agreement to have the battlefield in a certain area. Deaths of civilians were subsequently avoided. Of course, there were no dreadful armaments of explosion, then. Only the horses, knives, swords, and shields were in play. Deaths were only to the persons bravely seeking it, or prepared for it. Now? Innocent people, not involved in any disputes, are killed, maimed, blown to pieces! How unfair! How heart-wrecking!
Cursed, be the men who discovered and modified explosive materials! One such man is Alfred Nobel. 'Sir' Alfred Nobel, now! And they are giving out Nobel prizes to people in remembrance of him! How absurd and unthinkable! So, they say Alfred Nobel realized his mistake, and to make amends, he institutionalized the Nobel prize, to be given to those who made notable contribution to science, medicine, literature, and peace. Some peace we are having! And they are giving out Nobel prizes in remembrance of him, the creator of dynamite, and thence, the bomb! How unnoble!
Sunday, October 1, 2023
Ai's CHATGPT on all fronts, on God and mankind.
The advent of humanity on this earth has always been intriguing me. The bible's version is very popular but the answers to my doubts seem to be not clarified. No, I did not read the bible fully, only the first few pages that pulled my interest, greatly. But I have read a few Christian magazines and they did not clear up my various doubts. The well acclaimed Ai based 'chatgpt' is around! So, I thought why not approach it. So, here I go!
But first, my sincere declaration . I am a respecter of all religions and I will never look down on any. If, in some way, my questions here to chatgpt hurt anyone I apologize. Please read on! I will be very happy if you, too, are satisfied with your perception and acceptance of our ancestors on earth.
In the bible, it is stated that God made Adam and Eve and told them to multiply but did not teach them how. Only when the serpent asked them to eat forbidden apple did they know how to multiply. Then, why should God be angry at Adam and Eve and the serpent?
The biblical narrative you mentioned is a symbolic story, and interpretations may vary. However, a common understanding is that the disobedience of Adam and Eve by eating the forbidden fruit represents a violation of God's command. It's not that they learned how to multiply from eating the fruit, but rather they disobeyed God's explicit instruction.
God's anger in the story is typically viewed as a consequence of disobedience, emphasizing the importance of free will and moral choices. The serpent, often associated with temptation, plays a role in leading Adam and Eve astray. The story is a moral lesson about the consequences of disobedience and the significance of following divine commands.
Did God tell Adam and Eve how to multiply?
In the biblical narrative, God's command to "be fruitful and multiply" is found in Genesis 1:28. However, the specific details of how reproduction works are not explicitly mentioned in the text. The idea is that God intended for Adam and Eve to procreate and populate the Earth, leaving the intricacies of reproduction to natural processes.
The disobedience of Adam and Eve, as described in Genesis 3, involves eating the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. This act is often seen as a symbolic representation of humanity's inclination to go against God's commands and seek knowledge independently. The punishment they face is a result of disobedience rather than a lack of information about reproduction.
Did God allow incest which is a crime?
The biblical narrative, particularly in the Old Testament, does mention instances that might be interpreted as involving close relatives marrying or having children. However, it's essential to approach these texts with an understanding of cultural and historical contexts.
In the early chapters of Genesis, Adam and Eve's descendants are mentioned, and due to the limited population at that time, close relatives likely married each other. It's important to note that interpretations of religious texts can vary, and different religious traditions may offer distinct perspectives on these narratives.
n many modern societies, incest is considered taboo and illegal due to genetic concerns and potential harm to offspring. However, ancient cultures had different practices and beliefs.
It's crucial to approach discussions about biblical narratives with sensitivity, recognizing that interpretations can differ among individuals and religious denominations. If you have specific questions about a particular religious perspective, it might be helpful to consult with religious scholars or leaders from that tradition.
You mean so far the christian clerics did not debate about this multiplying and serpent matter as well as the incest matter. Looks like they swept them under the carpet to make Christianity look good! Didn't they?
The interpretation of religious texts, including those in Christianity, has been the subject of much debate and discussion over centuries. Different Christian denominations and theologians may have varying perspectives on how to interpret specific passages, including those related to creation, Adam and Eve, and other biblical stories.
It's important to recognize that interpretations of religious texts are influenced by various factors, including cultural, historical, and theological considerations. Scholars and clerics within Christianity have engaged in extensive debates and discussions on these matters, and perspectives may continue to evolve.
While some theological perspectives emphasize metaphorical or symbolic interpretations of certain passages, others may take a more literal approach. Debates within religious communities are not uncommon, and individuals within those communities may hold diverse views.
It's advisable to engage in open and respectful discussions with theologians, scholars, or religious leaders who can provide insights into the specific interpretations within a particular Christian tradition. Keep in mind that interpretations can vary, and not all individuals within a religious community will share the same perspective.
Don't you think it would have been better if God created two males and two females so that this matter of incest did not happen. Or maybe, God indeed created two males and two females but nobody realized it. What do you think? Isn't this possible?
The question you raise touches on theological and philosophical considerations. The story of Adam and Eve is often understood within a religious context, and interpretations can vary. Some may view it as a literal historical account, while others see it as a symbolic narrative with deeper spiritual or moral meanings.
If you consider the idea of God creating multiple pairs, it's essential to remember that religious narratives often convey messages beyond the literal details. The focus of the story might be on broader themes such as human relationships, free will, and moral choices rather than the logistics of initial human creation.
Theological perspectives vary widely, and some believers may find metaphorical or symbolic interpretations more meaningful. Others may adhere to a more literal understanding. Ultimately, the interpretation of these narratives depends on one's faith tradition, personal beliefs, and the guidance of religious authorities.
It's an intriguing topic that has been discussed and debated by theologians and scholars throughout history, and different religious denominations may offer distinct perspectives on the matter.
Thank you.
You're welcome! If you have any more questions or if there's anything else I can help you with, feel free to ask.
Well, there you are. Did I get what I wanted? Did chatgpt really satisfy me with its answers? Sorry, no. I feel that it is trying to bulldoze its way out. What I got to understand from its presentation is that it was saying that the religious verses had been written and had existed for thousands of years, and I should accept it as it is. And, if I really want to be enlightened, " it might be helpful to consult with religious scholars or leaders from that tradition", it says.
I rather prefer the Google way of presentation; more professional, and not human-like, like chatgpt, Ha ha! Thanks, chatgpt, for answering like a human. But no thanks. I would rather use a customerily professional search engine like Google, than the humanly chatgpf. For, humans are not perfect , Oops!
Friday, September 22, 2023
The spirit is willing, the body protests!
There is a sadness inside me always.
It seems like only yesterday I was twelve!
Today, I am seventy and two!
I am now 'Hai uncle' .
I wish I could be 'Hello, young man'!
How I yearn
to go for a game of football on the green field.
I can't. My legs don't yield!
How I long
To fling my school bag on the bed!
And get my mum's face all red!
Throwing a bag today, on a chair,
Will get grandson's snigger and stare
Loved the glances of the girls, then
Today, not a glance,
not a chance!
Enjoyed then, the swim in the river!
Now it's so cold, the muscles shiver
Oh, that game of hide and seek!
Play that now? No, I am meek!
Nice game, police and thief!
But not now. All pain and grief!
A tarzan was I then, climbing the trees!
Not any more, pain in the knees!
"What would I like to be in the future?"
No! Not a doctor, a pilot, or a teacher!
All I want to be is young, young forever.
And ever!
Wednesday, September 20, 2023
Singapore - lizards on track!
Singaporeans are proud people. Whenever they come on vacation to Malaysia, they tell their Malaysian friends how clean Singapore is, They will proudly acclaim their roads are well structured, well planned, and maintained. Discipiline is everywhere, and there is no corruption or 'under the table money' as they call it, with their police officers and others. And how modern and sophiscated Singapore is, and the Singaporeans are, with the latest facilities and technology.
Their acclamation mostly, seem to be true, as the Malaysian workers returning from there, vouch for it. So it was indeed a proud moment for them when the highly prestigious Formula 1 Grand Prix was held there recently. How internationally recognised and respected their nation was!
However, sadly, to their anguish and dismay, monitor lizards made dents in their pride. Yes, monitor lizards! The lizards made it difficult for the drivers during the practice session, in the meticulously prepared race circuit, crossing the track at their whims, making the drivers wary. Yellow flags were also waved by the marshalls to warn the drivers of the lizards on the track. Speed and positioning were at risk! F1 aces, Max Verstappen, and George Russel were vocal about them. Fernando Alonso seemed to have accidentally ran over one!
Thankfully, there was no mention of the lizards from any quarters on F1 final race day. So it was assumed the reptiles did not make any appearances on the track.
On the funny side, it seemed like bad omen for the afore mentioned drivers. Max Verstappen, who won the past 10 races, only came out 5th in this one! Fernando Alonso was 15th. Russell did not finish the race! His car crashed and stopped in the last lap of 62! He was in 3rd place at that moment!
But, Singaporeans, please do not despair. This was not the first time animals had intruded on the race tracks. In 2011, a dog had run here and there on the race track of India during the practice session of the F1 Indian Grand Prix. In 2020, the Bahrain Grand Prix practice session had also been interfered with by a dog. In the 2016 Canadian Grand Prix, a pair of seagulls stood blatantly on the track while Sebastian Vettel was speeding towards them! And he had to maneuver around them! So, Singaporeans take heart! Fret not. Singaporean authorities, as well as the F1 race officials will, surely, monitor the reptiles' habitats and their movements closely, and take the relevant preventive measures so that these reptiles stay away from the races!
By the way, the Singapore Formula 1 GP was won by Carlos Sainz Jr. Second was Lando Norris. Louis Hamilton captured the third place. Congratulations to all of them. Congratulations also to the organisers and all the Singapore fans!
Wednesday, September 13, 2023
Zelenskyy, what a man!
Voloadymir Zelenskyy. What a man. Instead of runnng into exile when a superpower like a Russia attacks his small nation, he stood there, challenging, organising, and then going helter-skelter, in his simple army-green T-shirt, to many nations in the world, requesting help, realizing his country could not do it alone. No one, including Russian president, Putin expected this, Zelenskyy being an actor and comedian as his former career! Who knows, perhaps it was this career that made Putin think that this was an opportune moment to attack Ukraine. He may have thought that a nation run by a political minnow was easy meat. Ha ha! Wrong presumption!
Sorry, for that comical, tongue in statement. Thousands of lives have been lost, men, women, old, young and children. People have been displaced, Lives have been turned into upside down, into hell. All for what? Land? Wretched land!
To all the nations of the world. Let the past be past. Do not have the urge or temptation to take back the land that you had somehow let go out of your hand. Start a new beginning. Please respect human lives. Live and let live, There is enough natural disasters on this earth to think about; the earthquakes, the volcanoes, thunderstorms, tornadoes, typhoons, floods, heatwaves not to mention the uncontrolled demonic fires, etc, etc.
Coming back to our Zelenskyy, he, Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy is not too old, just forty years old and is married with two children. He comes from an Ukrainian Jewish family. He has been the President of Ukraine since 2019, after popularly winning the election. He was a likeable actor and comedian, and being a household face and name, winning was not too hard. He possesses a degree in law.
Many statesmen are known for something, like for bravery, or for strictness or for hastiness or even for tyranny. Though President Zelenskyy has received certain awards like Freedom Award and Courage Award from USA and Leadership Award from UK, to me, and I am sure many of you will agree, President Zelenskyy is known for his persistancy. His persistancy in travelling all over the world to request for weaponry has fruited in several NATO countries sending all sorts of armaments to Ukraine, to fight the disliked and uninvited war.
The younger generation could learn a thing or two on persistancy from Zelenskyy. That persistancy pays. If there is a 'Persistancy Award', it should be given to one Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy!
Friday, September 8, 2023
Whither Donald Trump, 2024 and beyond
It is funny that former US president, Trump is facing so many charges all at once . Altogether 4, if not more. Yes, more is possible. If you ask me, I will firmly say that his crime, serious though it is, is only one, that is instigating mobly people to attack and damage the Capitol Hill building on January 6 2020.The world also knows. It seems to have been proved beyond reasonable doubt, through video and audio evidences, that Trump's unthoughtful and disastrous reaction to his presidential loss was the main negative push, the impetus for the January 6 catastrophe, where damages to the building and materials were immense. The pride of America had been injured.
Regarding the keeping of the important documents in his house, I think he would have returned them later if he had finally admitted to the election loss, and had been approached diplomatically. And that matter of Trump trying to overturn the election result of the state of Georgia, Actually, in every country this thing happens; the losing party trying all sorts of things to win, like putting the blame on some sort of malpractice by the winners and also trying to get the votes through some unorthodox means. Mostly, these will get condemned and the political life goes on.
As for the sexual abuse or harassment cases, those women only brought them up or highlighted them only when Trump was standing for president or after his initial election, as the President of the United States. So it looks like as a spur of the moment; an opportune or inopportune moment - you make your own choice. It is worth noting that a 'me too' sort of thing also strangely began to happen, then. Violated, though, those women could be, their late reporting seem to be an afterthought or on coercion from certain individuals. But, of course, we cannot disregard them altogether. The law has to take its course. But not together or close together with the January 6 case. Remember, we have come to know Trump had also settled some cases out of court,
Deep inside me, I seem to like Trump. I know Trump would make a good president, an exciting one! We have seen that in his first term, such as, calling North Korean leader, Kim Jong Un, the Rocket Man, but still, visiting him in his own land of North Korea, being overly friendly with supposedly, arch enemy, President Putin of Russia, showing displeasure towards NATO, saying USA is paying more to NATO than it should. Always something new! Remember the 'Kung Fu Virus? Ha ha,that was a good one!
Unfortunately, the January 6 incident has tarnished Trump's image. How sad! What a loss! Trump has been indicted, court cases are going on and mug shots have been taken. Will he go to jail? I don't think so. American Presidents don't go to prisons! They just go to the courts for their lifetime, while going about their business (literally) and continue to do their political rattling!
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