So the government is further increasing the salaries of its workers. Today’s (December 8, 2011) news in a Malaysian daily mentioned that Public Service director-general Tan Sri Abu Bakar Abdullah had said that 7% to 13% increment will be given to the civil service workers, also termed as government servants, from January 1 next year.
To me, there will be a ‘win-win-lose’ situation, taking the Major three races into account. Of the three major races in Malaysia, Malays being the mainstream of the population and being the concrete majority in the civil service, they will be greatly pleased. They will have extra money to spend. It will be a win situation for them.
The Chinese, who are the main business people in Malaysia to whose business premises the Malays will surely make a bee line for, will be rubbing their hands in glee; the money will gradually be filling their pockets and they will be laughing all their way to the banks. So it will also be a win situation for them.
The Indians, who make about less than 10% of citizens of Malaysia, do not have a really mentionable number, either in the civil service or in business segment. They are mostly employed in private factories and oil palm estates. These are the people who will lose out as others will have more money to spend, demands will rise and price of goods will undoubtedly increase. The income of the Indians will remain stagnant, as the private sector employers will rarely increase their employee’s wages. So at the end, the Indians will be at the losing end, thus making the situation a win-win-lose one.
How nice if the government can do something that will make it a win-win-win situation for all. My votes for you if you can do that!