I went to an Indian wedding dinner last Sunday held at about 7.30pm in a hall in Taiping. The owners of the hall were Chinese. I mean Malaysians of Chinese roots.
Actually, the sole purpose of the hall was to cater to the various functions of the Malaysian Chinese. Hence, the writings on the wall above the stage were only in Chinese. I suppose it said, ‘Welcome’ or something of that sort, as had been the case in the halls belonging to the Malaysian Indians.
The Indians hold their functions in the Chinese halls, mainly because of the inability to get Indian halls for the purpose at the required time, due to all of them being taken up. But being true Malaysians, the Chinese accommodate the Indians gladly. Such things are common throughout the year. 1Malaysia indeed!
Putting aside the unity chatter to one side, we – my wife, my son and I – were sitting at one of the many clothed round tables in the hall, waiting for the prelude to the dinner to start. The prelude means, the walking in of the newly-weds amidst an ovation, and the cutting of the wedding cake by the couple, and feeding each other, to the loud approval of the crowd.
Guests were slowly streaming in. And then I saw a middle aged couple walk by our table and sit at the table next to ours. When I saw the face of the male partner I was taken aback. Half of his face below the nose down was pinkish; he had some sort of a skin disease, the skin had peeled out. I was very touched for his misfortune. Sad though I was, I admired his brevity for coming to this occasion where he has to mingle with the crowd. Inwardly, I saluted his companion for the faithful wife she was, to walk along with him, indifferently. In these days of fault finding among the spouses, this act of camaraderie was really great. I smiled at them, respectfully, and they smiled back.
I should have been happy, except for the next turn of events. A family of five came in and went and sat at the table where the misfortuned couple was sitting. And I thought everything was well with the world. People are understanding and do not care how a person’s face looks. Alas, I could not never have been so wrong! The head of the family, suddenly, pretended that he had seen someone at a table far away and the whole family got up and moved away, The couple, especially, the man, tried not to show any embarrassment.
I am sensitive guy by nature, and uncontrollably, I sat there sulking. I did not like the dinner that day.