Things I don’t like when I go shopping.
1. I don’t like to be asked “Yes, what do you want, sir?” immediately on entering a shop. I would like to browse around a while and only contact the attendant or the shop owner when I feel like it. Even when I had said I would like to look around first, I hate to hear the words. “Yes, sir, anything I can do for you,” only after just a few minutes of standing around. I would feel like saying, “Come on, give a man some break, will you?”
2. I detest to be followed by the person in attendance wherever I go. I feel nervous and uneasy with the person standing nearby. I feel like being watched on every move I make. With the person standing nearby even scratching my nose makes me feel very conscious. “Hey! Back off, will you? Go and hide somewhere! Don't be a cctv!”
3. I don’t, especially, like to go to the shampoo section of a supermarket, where heavily made up girls almost pull you by your hand and try to sweet talk to you to buy their products. Not that I don’t like the girls but their leech-like temperament and persistence puts me off.