Here is an electrifying news from Malaysia! Visitors and the locals who travel in
Here is an electrifying news from Malaysia! Visitors and the locals who travel in
Of all the living things that God created, I think the birds are the luckiest ones. They are free to fly anywhere and land anywhere they want. Furthermore, they do not have to face the daily misgivings in life that we humans do;
No confusion as to in what language to study science and math.
No snatch thefts and fatalities.
No RM50 credit card tax.
No imprisoning without trial.
And…he..he..no need to hear the loud reminders, five times a day, that Islam is the official religion of
I wish I were born a bird. No, not the KFC type!
Poor Obama! His poll ratings in his nation of
On October 10, 2009 at 6 pm, I was listening to the news in the Tamil language radio station of
Let’s face it. Obama had come into the world just as a ‘promise of peace’. He still remains so. The world is not in peace, now. Far from it. Iraq, Iran, Middle east, Pakistan, the Koreas, and Sudan, just to mention a few of the several nations in turmoil, are still in the same situation as when Obama became the President of the United States. All he had noticeably achieved so far was his move to close down the Guantanamo Bay Terrorist Camp and the procedures to pull all his soldiers from
Come to think of it. As we are the witness, there is really no enduring peace here on earth. So, the past Nobel Peace Award winners were awarded the prize only for their two cents’ worth of contribution towards world peace. Therefore, Obama also seems to have obtained the peace award for his two cents’ worth of efforts!
Anyway, I think this is a good time to have a look at the past Nobel Peace Prize laureates. The Nobel Peace Prize was awarded from the year 1901. Let us have a look only at the winners of the past 20 years.
Source: www.nobelpeaceprize.org
Martti Ahtisaari - | |
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and Albert Arnold (Al) Gore Jr. - | |
Muhammad Yunus and Grameen Bank - | |
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and Mohamed ElBaradei - | |
Wangari Maathai - | |
Shirin Ebadi - | |
Jimmy Carter - | |
The United Nations ( U.N.) and Kofi Annan - | |
Kim Dae Jung – | |
Doctors Without Borders (Médecins Sans Frontières) - | |
John Hume and David Trimble – both | |
International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL) and Jody Williams - | |
Carlos Filipe Ximenes Belo and José Ramos-Horta – | |
Joseph Rotblat and Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs - | |
Yasser Arafat - | |
Nelson Mandela and Frederik Willem de Klerk – both | |
Rigoberta Menchú Tum - | |
Aung San Suu Kyi - | |
Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev – | |
The 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso -
Mention ‘security guard’ in Malaysia, and one would get an imagination of an old man in a black pants and light-brown shirt or blue shirt, opening and closing factory gates, or one who is just sitting, idling by on a chair. And one would also imagine that the security guard is low educated and not capable of doing other jobs. And that is the perfect security guard’s picture one gets in
We have heard of match fixing in sports like football, wrestling, cricket, tennis, to name a few. It surely would have come as a shock to us that match fixing had also occurred in F1 car racing and what a ‘match fixing’ it was!
Indonesians have been unhappy with the Malaysians for the past few weeks.
God saw the necessity to create women on earth.
In several countries race is indeed a problematic issue. Especially, when you do not know the horses!
In the army, ‘Will’ is a dangerous name to have for a soldier, especially when the commander notices that the opponents are too near and rushing on!
Hillary Rodham Clinton is one woman I admire because of various reasons. One of them, was her composure during her turbulent times, when the sex scandal between her husband, then President Bill Clinton, and intern Monica Lewinsky was high on the news, on pages and screens of the world’s media. A citizen, from our part of the world, that is Asia, would have thought that, she being an American, and Americans being fierce advocators of liberation and transparency of their citizens, would soon get annoyed, and irritated with Bill Clinton, not to mention the distrust for his waywardness, and would gradually split off with him. This, in fact, turned out to be an anticlimax. She stuck with him through thick and thin, until today. She had just shown a message to the world; that Americans are not as 'trigger' happy as we thought they would be, and they, too, have understanding and tolerance, as was required by the society of the eastern world.
How many times must an Indian kneel down
Before you call him a Malaysian.
How many times must a Chinese kneel down
Before you call him a Malaysian
Yes, how many times must one kneel down
Before you call him a Malaysian
The answer my friend
Is blowing in the win
The answer is blowing in the win.
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Sunsets don't get much better than this one over @GrandTetonNPS. #nature #sunset pic.twitter.com/YuKy2rcjyU
— US Department of the Interior (@Interior) May 5, 2014