I wonder how the authorities can approve the purportedly 'comedy' serial ‘Sabash Meera’ from India, to be shown in Malaysia. This serial is shown daily on weekdays on Astro Vanavil at 8.30pm.
In the serials, the main character Meera, played by Kovai Sarala, seems to be always belittling her father, calling him all sorts of names, under the name of comedy. The last straw was in the episode shown recently, on Thursday, November 10 2011, where the female character,Meera, talks of sending her father to the old folks’ home, and in a later scene, takes him into a room, and supposedly whacks him, behind the door!
Is this how we are going to bring up our children in Malaysia? How can such a sickening serial be shown in Malaysia? What are the Hindu Sangams doing? Just laughing along, I suppose.
This serial should be removed immediately from the Malaysian screens before the children of Malaysia begin to assume that it is the norm to belittle their parents, and make a laughing stock of them.